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juliette davis

it has been a week of me being back home and it feels amazing. though, sam has been oddly text messaging me at hours of the night when he should be asleep. he claims he can't sleep properly knowing im not in the same house as him to make sure im okay. and as sweet as it is, it also isn't healthy for him.

while maria, my stepmom, was working today and ava, my sister, was at school, i had the house to myself. my phone lit up from the table beside me.

unknown number
hey ma, it's nate

hey nate, is everything okay?

he really misses you, you know that?

yeah he said he can't sleep

he's cried so much this week juliette
he sits in his room and cries all night, sleeps most of the day

is it because im not in the house anymore?

kind of. also just worrying about you and he can't stop thinking about you

what do i do?

if i come pick you up, can you spend a bit with him and talk to him?

yes of course

okay be at your house asap
what's your address?

i sent him the address, running upstairs to get ready to go see sam.


"he's upstairs in his room. let me know if he's driving you home or if you need me to" nate informs me as i exit his car.

"okay. thanks nate" i smile as i get out of the car, walking up to the front door of the familiar home. when i step inside, it's quiet and messy. these boys really don't know how to clean very well. i make my way up the stairs, going to sam's room. he is the only one home nate told me. i knock on the door lightly then open it, "hey."

his gaze shifts from the television to me, "how did you– you're here– but who–"

a smile rises on my lips, "nate texted me and said i should come see you. you've been upset lately, he told me. so he came and picked me up, brought me here and here i am."

he gets out of bed and walks over to me and embraces me, "i missed you so fucking much."

"i know" i state, kissing his neck. he pulls away from the hug, looking down at me with a smile and watery eyes, "sam, why are you tearing up?"

"because you mean so much to me and i've missed you so much. im so happy you're here" he explains, leaning down to kiss my lips.

when we pull away, i look up at him and caress his cheek, "you need sleep. you can't be upset during the night and sleeping through the day, sam. don't cry over me, im only fifteen minutes away and it's not like we broke up. we're just at separate homes with the ability to video chat, phone call, and text."

he nods, "you hold a different place in my heart and you're definitely causing me to be softer than ever."

"come" i say, grabbing his hand and lead him to his bed. he lays down, as i lay beside him and allow him to wrap me up. i look up at him and kiss his neck, "take a nap. i'll be here when you wake up."

"you will?"

i nod, "i will. and when you do, we can talk and hangout and let you rest some more."


sam had been asleep for about two hours now. i knew he was tired, just by the way his bags were so evident and his eyes looked like they just wanted to slam shut. i was still wrapped up in his arms, my head resting under his chin as i watched the television.

my phone buzzed from my pocket so i checked who it was.

hi darling, im going to be home late from work. are you okay there by yourself? ava is at a friend's tonight

i might stay with sam tonight. i came to visit him today

okay, tell him i say hello
have a good night honey

sam shifts around, so i take this time to wake him up.

"sam" i whisper, slightly shaking him.

his eyes flutter open as his fingers rub them, "you're still here."

"i am" i state, "do you want me to stay the night?"

"would you be able to?" he asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

i nod, "maria texted me and said she won't be home tonight and my sister is at a friend's. so, yes. i can."

he smiles, "thank you baby. how long did i sleep for?"

"couple hours" i reply, "you needed the sleep."

"and i will sleep like a baby tonight" he states, "thank you for coming and staying with me."

i move my head up to kiss his jaw, then lips, "you're welcome. i'd do anything for you, even go undercover for you."


so that's it. that's the end. im going to have an epilogue up within the next couple of days, that's why it ended kind of shitty and blunt. the epilogue will be worth it.

and i will be doing another book. just don't know who or about what yet, but i have some ideas. stay tuned.

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