Chapter 2

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Dani's P.O.V

What?! I poke ny head in the room. It's empty. Like, literally completely empty. No furniture, no people. Just a window and walls. I'm still standing there trying to process this, when all of a sudden I hear heels clucking towards me. Someone clears their throat, and says

"Are you Daniella Golding?" Gosh, does everyone know my name? I turn around and see a friendly looking woman. I smile.

"Yup, that's me!" I say. She laughs, and I wonder why.

"It's this room, Miss" She says, talking formally, I notice. Ny cheeks turn slightly red, as I realize it's the door across from this one.

"Oh......sorry........" I mumble. She opens the door, and I follow her inside.

"It's alright! You've probably never been here, before. Am I right?"


"I'm Miss Stratan, and I'll be inerveiwing you today. And remember, make yourself at home, and I will be announcing if you got the job today."

"Ok." I sit down across from her in a comfy chair.

"Alright. I have some information about you that I wanna make sure it true. If anythings wrong, then please let me know." I nod, and she begins. "Your name is Daniella Golding, you're 17 years old, you love to write, you used to write for the New York Times, and you used to live in New York. Everything correct?"


"Ok. I'm gonna ask you a few questions, then tell you my answer. First question is: Who do you live with?"

"My dad, best friend, and her mom."

"Mm hm......." She scribbles things on her clipboard. "Next one: Why do you love writing so much?"

"I can use my imagination, it's like I'm in another world........" It's really hard to explain.

"Ok.........and last one: what helps you focas when you write?"

"Being in a quit, peaceful place, with not a lot of noise, kind of shaded."

"Ok. That's it. I have decided....that you're in. You can have the job!"

"REALLY??!! I mean....thanks I'm really excited!" She smiles.

"I'm glad you are. And, I have the perfect place for your office to be! It's quit, peaceful, and is shaded!"

"Really? That's awesome, thank you so much!"

"Yup, no problem! Just follow me, and I'll show you where it is." I follow her, and we seem to be walking for a long time. We take many flights of stairs down, and finally come to a door. She grabs a lanturn off of a table next to the door, and opens the door. I follow her down the dark staircase. She pushes a dusty curtain aside, in the dark basement, and gestures her hand out to an old looking office spot, near a jail- looking window, with bars and all. I stare at her for a long time. "Here you are! It's also the only one left! No one wanted it!" I gawk at her.

"Well I know why! This place is a dump! And it's in the basement!"

"Well it's eithet this, or no job!" She snapped, and suddenly, she didn't look to friendly anymore. I forced a smile.

"This is fine!" I say.

"I thought so. Now work starts next Saturday. You can leave now." I glare at her, but make my way away from the creepy jail sell.

JUMP AHEAD IN TIME★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

I walked into the house, feeling miserable. I was so excited about he job,  but now all I could think about was how much bug spray I should bring to keep the flys away. Maddie's mom was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper. Maddie was at gymnastics. Without even glancing up from the paper, she said

"Hey Girl! How did it go?" I walked over and sat down next to her.

"Good and bad news."

"Uh oh. Tell me the good news first."

"Well, good news is, I got the job!" She drops the paper and jumps up, and gives me a hug.

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you!!! That's great!!!" She sits back down.

"Yeah, well, the bad news is, that my office is in The Grim Reaper's torure chamber."

"'s that bad?"

"Uh yeah!"

"I'm sorry, Dani!"

"It's ok, it's not your fault. I'll just have to deal with it. I'm going to my room." I say, and walk upstairs. When I get inside, I close ths door, and flop on my bed, on my stomach.

Great. Just great.

I turn over, so that I'm on my back, and I stare up at the ceiling,  for what seems like forever. Soon, my eyelids droop, and I guess I hadn't realized how tired I really was. Slowly closing my eyes, I decide it's ok to take a little nap...........


I wake up thw next morning, and look at my clock.


What??!! I was gonna be late for school! I gt up, and wobble a little bit, aince I had just fell alseep. I didn't think I would sleep for that long. I change my clothes,  amd rush downstairs. My dad grets me wit a smile and a "Good morning!" when I come down. He hands me a cup of coffee. I smile and thank him, and sit down. I sip my warm, delisous coffee.

"So....I heard the news!"

"Oh, that my working hours are gonna be spent in a creepy old jail cell?" I say innocently. He sighs.

"And that you got the job!"

"Wonderful. Now everyone knows!" I say sarcastically.

"Come on, Dani! Lighten up!" Maddie says. I hadn't even noticed she was there. I sigh. 

"Whatever" I say, and gulp down the rest of my coffee. I put the cup in the sink, and then grab my backpack, and walk out the door. Maddie quickly catches up with me, and together we walk to school.

AT SCHOOL■■■■■■■■■■■■■¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤■■■■■■■■■■■■■■¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

We walk in, and I walk straight to my locker. I shove my backpack in there, and slam it shut. I turn around, and start off down the hall. I didn't know where I was going, but all I knew, was that I needed to be alone.

Since I was new, I didn't know, and hadn't seen everyone yet. So, as I walked farther, I felt more uncomfortable. Seeing more unfamiliar faces. Soon, I was alone in the hall. Or more like the abandoned hall.

Hey, it's like my office.

I sit down on a bench, and bring my knees to my chest. I start to thinm things throuh, or at least try. I kept feeling like I was being watched. For some strange reason......

I shake the thought off, though. It was just me being paranoid. Like always. I sigh. Things just haven't been great ever since we moved. I was snapped out of my thoughts, when all of a sudden a voice speaks up, in a british accent, saying

"What are you doing here?" My head jerks up, to see a kid leaning against the wall. He looks to old for school. So why was he here? He was tall, and skinny, and dark brown curls, green eyes, and very pale skin.

"Um.......I was just having some alone time before class started......." I say nervously. Although he was hot, he was creeping me out.

"Well you should leave, and never come back" He snaps. I was surprised.

"Excuse me, who do think you're talking to?" I ask him, annoyed.

"Hm....lemme think........a curious girl who likes to get in other peoples business." I do not! "Isn't that right Dani?"

Wait. How did he know my name?

A.N. Did you like it? Hope you did! More to come!

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♥Nia♥ :D

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