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  "You nodded at the meeting when it was suggested."

  "Well I wasn't listening and you don't have any confirmation of that."

  "You're going."

  "Hell no!"

  "Why not?"

  "Because that country is not a good one. And they don't like me there."

  "What's that mean?"

  "I did some not great things and the government kinda hates me? A bit. If I go, I'll get shot at the freaking border."


  "Why do you think I moved to Sokovia?"

  "I don't know? To see the world?"

  "I'd at least leave Europe if I wanted to see the world. I can't go."

  "Well you didn't say that when the director was here."

  "Well I'm saying it now. Unless you want me to die, I am not going."

  "What could you have done that is so bad?"

  "I've killed some people, sabotaged a few operations, umm... robbed the government? Things that probably won't be forgiven any time soon."


  "I was told to do things by people much scarier than you, so I did it. I had a gun to my head at every second. I obviously was going to do what they asked."

  "So you need to be threatened to work?"

  "No. Nothing you can do will make me go. I don't want to die."

  "You won't die, you'll have other SHIELD agents with you."

  "None of them will be able to fend off the Russian government. They'll tear your agents to bits."

  "I doubt it."

  "I've tried to take them down. I've been stabbed, tortured and all of the above. Nobody can."

  "So I can't?"

  "No. No Tony, you wouldn't be able to."

  "What about Nat?"

  I scoffed, "Lia? You think Natalia can stop the Russian government?"

  "Yeah, I really do. She's really skilled and I know you don't like her, but she'd really be useful."

  "I understand where you're coming from, but I'm stronger than her. You know that."

  "I do know that. But I think with the two of you and others combined, you'd be stronger."

  "I'm not working with her, or going to Russia, end of conversation."

  Tony sighed and walked out of my room in a huff. He closed the door a little harder than necessary and I just started at it. Why was he mad? Other people could go, I certainly couldn't. As much trouble as I like causing, I'd rather stay alive. Some of my choices might not reflect that statement, but dancing with death is not something I'm interested in.

  I'm really freaking annoyed about all of this. They aren't even giving me a choice about where I get to be stationed. Why Russia? That's messed up, really messed up. I want to be stationed as far away from there as possible. The farther, the better. It's so dumb that they aren't giving me any say in my life now. I can't leave this stupid tower, I can't get my own job or place and to make matters worse, they're not even letting me pick where I wanna suffer.

  I'm so close to just leaving. Jumping out a window or something. Anything to get out of here. I could go to one of the lower floors and just... ditch this place. Tony didn't want me here, he was forced to let me stay here. That's not really fair for him either. I just don't see what's so difficult about this. They're not letting me go for what? I haven't even been told why I can't leave. I'm in the dark.

  I'm going to go talk to Fury myself, every time I get someone else to relay a message, something ends up going south for me. I needed his coordinates or a number to call or something. Who had that? Tony Stark of course.


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