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  "Nick Fury speaking."

  "Director, Nikita Romanova."

  "How'd you get this number?"

  "Stole and hacked Tony's phone. I need to speak with you about my assignment."

  "Impressive. What is it?"

  "I'm not going to Russia."

  "You are."

  "Not. Anywhere but there. I will die the second I cross the border."

  "Why? I thought you said you'd go back and help them whenever they asked."

  "Did some real bad stuff there. I would because they'd find and kill me if I don't."

  "Oh, what did you do?"

  "I killed some people, robbed the government a few times, did some stuff. You know, the usual."

  "Usual huh? Where do you want to go then?"

  "Not Russia."

  "How about Germany?"

  "Sure. How far is that from Russia?"

  "3,380 miles."

  "Sounds far enough. I'll take it."

  "Start packing, you leave next week."

  "Thank you."

  And then he hung up. He wasn't really a talkative guy I guess. Germany, cool. I don't have a great history with the Germans but I think everything will be okay. It was a long time ago, there's a new generation who I'm sure I won't want to kill. I just hope I can actually manage to make it through these six months without blowing my cover.

  Wait, no I totally want to blow my cover. I'm supposed to be pissing Fury off, not helping him. God, what am I turning in to? I better get my act together before I leave, there's no way he's gonna let me stay the whole six months. That's what I really want. I know sometimes my mind wanders to the good side but I really don't want to have to do this.

  Isn't this breaking the law? Forcing me to do something I don't want to. They literally held me hostage in here. And, I'm technically not supposed to be here. I'm not a legal immigrant. I never took any test or got a visa or anything. I have my passport so I could get into Germany, but I shouldn't be living in the United States.

  Not my problem, well it kind of is. But, I would deal with it if something happened. Maybe I could sue Tony. Or SHIELD, oh that would be awesome. I grabbed a duffel out of the closet and started packing. I would be staying in a SHIELD house I guess for the duration of my stay. There was a washing machine so I'm only bringing a week's worth of clothes or so.

  The German government knew that I was coming, that's how all my guns and equipment would be allowed through the border. Nick was supposed to bring me up a special customs booth where they know who we are or something. I don't have too many details yet. Maybe I should get on that. I had a meeting with the President or whoever when I got there to discuss rules and boundaries. Ugh.

  I'm going to hate this, I can tell already. Sitting through lectures, not being able to do whatever I want and in a country that I hated for most of my life. They killed my parents, they're why I had to go through all this hell. I'm going to have to really restrain myself.

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