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May 2nd, 2015, United States of America.
Nikita Romanova POV.

My head hurt like a bitch and the lights felt like lazers burning into my eyes. What the hell happened? Was Sokovia still floating? Was I dead? I shot up and saw that I was in a hospital. Everyone around me spoke perfect English and had a really weird accent, American. An American accent. American. Why?

"Can someone tell me what's going on?"

"Ah, miss, you're awake. You are in Manhattan, New York and in a hospital which is owned by Mr. Tony Stark. May I ask you a few questions?"

Why the hell was I in Manhattan? Only one way to find out I guess. "Yeah, go ahead."

"Wonderful. First, what is your name? Nobody could identify you."

"Checks out, I'm Nina Clyde."

"Alright Miss Clyde, you are from Sokovia, correct?"

"I was born in Volgograd, Russia, but I just recently moved to Sokovia."

"Alright, how old are you?"

"I'm 17." Yes, I was lying, but nobody would believe the truth and I couldn't risk Natalia finding I'm here.

"Perfect. You suffered minor head trauma when one of The Avengers knocked you out to get you on to the jet."

"Interesting. Is Sokovia still floating?"

"No, it is not."

"How many bodies?"

She had a sad look in her eyes. "Hundreds."


"Luckily, everyone else is safe now."

I looked around, she never told me why I was in Manhattan. "So why am I not in a Sokovian hospital?"

"Natasha Romanoff requested you come to America."

"Uh, okay."

"If it's alright with you, she would like to come in and see you."

"Um, yeah, sure."


She scurried through the door and returned with a girl. She looked like me. Green eyes and striking auburn hair.

"Thank you Linda," the red haired girl smiled. The nurse then left the two of us alone.

"Hi," she said. American accent, but it didn't sound totally American if you know what I mean. It sounded forced, fake.



"You bet. American?"

"You bet."

"Why'd you save me?"

"It's my job."

"Okay, bringing me back to Manhattan isn't though."

"Got me there. What's your name?"

"Nina Clyde."

"Well I'm Natasha."

"You still didn't tell me why you brought me to Manhattan."

"You look alot a lost family member and I couldn't lose her twice."

"Okay. What's her name?"

"That's private."

"You know, I could leave right now and you'd never see me again. I deserve to know the girl's name."

"Nikita." Oh shit.

"Sounds pretty Russian to me."

"It is pretty Russian."

"You're pretty Russian aren't you?"

"A little."

"Romanoff sounds like a derivative from Romanova."

"It does."



"So why'd you wanna see me?"

"Because you look like my sister, I already told you that."

"Your sister is Nikita you said?"


"Where in Russia are you from?"

"I don't know. We moved here when I was a baby, my parents never told me."


"Where are you from?"

"Stali- Volgograd." Dammit.

"Stalingrad doesn't exist anymore."

"I'm aware, which is why I said Volgograd."

"How old are you?"


"How do you know about Stalingrad?"

"History class."

"Removed from the curriculum in 1980. Teachers aren't allowed to teach that subject or they get terminated."


"So how do you really know?"





"Is that all?"


"What else you got?"


"Two dead parents, I'm pretty sure a dead sister and a dead brother in law."


"Yeah. You?"

"Dead parents, dead sister and dead husband."



"So. I didn't bring you here for no reason. You look like my sister. You act like her. You talk like her. Of course you aren't her... But did you know her?"

"Nikita Romanoff?"


"I think I've heard the name before. Either at my school or somewhere."

"Okay, thank you. You're welcome to stay as long as you like. Tony Stark has offered you a room in Stark Tower."

"Why can't I go home?"

"Uh, your apartment was kind of destroyed in the incident."

"Ohh. Good thing I just moved there then."

"You aren't upset at all?"

"Ehh, not really."

"Oh, um, okay. Well, would you like your room at Stark Tower?"

"Could I?'

"Of course. When you're discharged, I'll come down and bring you up to your room."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it."

"Of course."

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