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  I didn't know Bruce very well, he doesn't talk very much and neither do I. You would think they might be something we could have bonded over, but it just never happened. Anyway, he's stitched me up a few times and we've eaten breakfast together every so often.

  "Hey Bruce," I peeked my head into the open door of the lab.

  "Hey Nikita, what's up?"

  "Not much. You busy today?"

  "Not really, why?"

  "Well, Nat and I are leaving for six months... next week. To Brazil. I'm just a kid, kinda, so I might not make it back here. I wanted to say goodbye to everyone. Personally. And I don't know you that well, but everyone here is my family now."

  "Six months? Wow."

  "That's what everyone's saying. So, is there something you want to do?"

  "It's your goodbye party."

"It's not really a party."

"Fine whatever. It's your... goodbye."

"Let's blow something up."


"You're a scientist. You know how to blow things up, right?"

"Depends what you want to blow up."


"I've got things."
"Okay, goggles on?"


"Okay back wayyyy up."

I turned around and ran for a second.


"Yeah should be."

Bruce put the rubidium in the trap door and backed up to where I was standing. He handed me a remote with a button on it.

"Press that."

So I did. The door opened and the metal dropped into the tub of water. It exploded and burst into flames. Gas spewed from over the top of the tub and the water was spilling out everywhere. It was so cool! I cheered and laughed until the reaction calmed down enough for us to go up to it again.

"Why haven't we done that before?"

"I do it all the time."

"Lucky. I wish I had a piece of paper telling me I could blow things up."

"I have seven pieces of paper that tell me I can blow things up. And they're PHD's, not just a piece of paper."

"They're pieces of paper."

  "They are n-"



  "What else you got?"

"I've got a few bombs."

"Can we blow up these bombs?"

"I don't see why not."

And so he set up the bombs too. They weren't anything super crazy, just some small bombs that we could have fun with. Kinda like fireworks, but a bomb instead. Very cool. I can't believe I've never done this with Bruce before. Hell, I can't believe I've never hung out with Bruce before.

  "You know Bruce, you're a pretty fun guy."

  "I like to think so. Science is super cool isn't it?"

  "You're pushing it."

  "Yeah, thought so." He checked his watch, "Wow it's already seven. I've gotta get some work done, you can stay if you want."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Making... poison."

  "You make poison?"

  "Well, it's only kind of poison. It's for one of the weapons Stark wanted to try and make."

  "We have poisonous weapons?"

  "Not yet."

  "Oh. Am I actually allowed to stay?"

  "Will you touch things?"

  "I can't promise that I won't."

  "Then no. Scram kid."

  "Wow thanks. Have fun making poison weapons."

  "Oh I will."

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