Chapter 1

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Naruto's POV

I walked through the gates of Konoha holding Sasuke up. I had finally gotten him to come back to the village. This time no one glared at me. They were occupied with staring at Sasuke in shock.

"Did he do that to Sasuke"

"Of course that brat would"

"He's a monster"

"It hurt the last Uchiha"

Last Uchiha my ass. What about Itachi? I don't care about what they say. I mean, it's nothing I haven't heard before. After about 15 years of hearing this you get used to it. Sasuke grumbled something I couldn't understand. "You ok?' I asked, still helping him walk. "Yeah. What about you?". Steam was coming of my body from the rapid healing. "My well being isn't important.

We arrived at the hospital and walked through the main doors. Doctors and Nurses ran over to us, taking Sasuke somewhere. They left to attend to him, leaving me at the front. Ok then. Guess I'll see my self out. I walked out and jumped onto the rooftops, setting my route to granny.

I made it inside the Hokage tower and walked to granny's room knocking on her door. "Come in" said a muffled voice. I opened the door and walked in. She gasped. "Naruto!?". She ran over to me as I swayed a bit. She sat me down in a chair and began healing me. "Why haven't you gone to the hospital?!" she yelled with concern. "I did". She frowned. "Did you bring back Sasuke?". I smiled. "Yeah. It sure did take a while, ya know" I said giggling a bit. She smiled. "I'm glad".

Suddenly the door swung open. The elders walked in along with Danzo. "Sasuke Uchiha is in the hospital!" One of them yelled. They glared at me. "You did this didn't you!" Danzo yelled. Ninja in the halls started eavesdropping after hearing the commotion. "And just why would you think that!?" Granny yelled. All this yelling was making my head hurt. I covered my ears to try and block out the noise. "Don't ignore us!". I looked over at them. "I am responsible for the return of Sasuke Uchiha and his injuries" I said calmly. These people need to calm down.

Suddenly I was grabbed by the wrist and pulled out of my chair. "You demon fox. How could you hurt the last Uchiha" Danzo yelled, gripping my wrist extremely hard. I winced. "We both fought each other and got hurt. I convinced him to come back to the village. You're welcome. And one more thing"- they waited to hear the rest-" he isn't the last Uchiha" I said coldly. They were silent for a moment. Finally. I take back what I said. "We do NOT mention him. Do you understand!" Danzo yelled, his grip tightening. "yes" I mumbled. "Speak up!" he yelled. My wrist was slowly becoming purple. "I said yes!" I yelled, some of Kurama's chakra escaping me. They all stared in shock. "He's trying to kill us!" One of the elders claimed noticing my chakra. I sighed. They are all idiots.

Granny pulled me out of Danzo's grip and stood in front of me. "Naruto is not a threat" Granny said. "You felt it didn't you? The 9 tails chakra. That child is a demon" The elder said. "He was protecting himself. Also, are you going to ignore the fact that he had brought Sasuke back to the village!?" Granny was now getting very angry with the elders. "That doesn't change the fact that he threatened us" The other elder said. "Anbu. restrain him" Danzo commanded. Suddenly I was on my knees, hands gripped behind my back. I let out a small yelp of pain. An Anbu placed some kind of seal on me. I could feel my chakra being blocked. "What are you doing to him!?" I heard granny yell before everything went black.

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