Chapter 10

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Itachi and I trained together for weeks. If he was on a mission I would train with someone else. Training with skilled ninja like the Akatsuki really increases the effectiveness of your training. Plus training helps get your mind of off things. We didn't do just ninja training tough. Konan helped me train to overcome panic attacks. I didn't know what they were until Konan told me. She made me medicine in case I had a really bad panic attack and couldnt stop it. Im actually really glad the Akatsuki found me and took me in.

Everybody was in their respective place for the meeting. Today was our mission debriefing. I even got my own place and an Akatsuki cloak. Ive always wondered what it would be like to wear one. Its surprisingly comfy. "Now that you are all here we will begin. This mission will be an analyzation mission. It will only become a hands-on mission if something goes wrong. We are investigating an organization named Tana (not shelf). From what we have gathered they are an organization that runs primarily on illegal auctions" Yahiko set down a scroll with information. "Like illegal weapons" Deidara sounded too happy when he said that. "No. Illegal auctions that bid off" he paused "people".

"So, human trafficking" I was fairly familiar with the topic. "Yes, Naruto, like human trafficking. You seem unusually calm about people being sold off" Kakuzu looked at me with a hint of confusion. "Im more educated on the topic than most. There are three main "requirements" for being out in the auction" I motioned quotations around the word requirements. You didnt have to meet them. Matter of fact they were more like reasons for getting put in the auction. I held up a finger for each requirement.

"First reason you might be chosen is the main one" "and that would be?" I paused "the main one is for your body. If you have the right body type that people would want then you are more common on the list. Not only how good you work or look, but you can also be chosen for how young you look. Noblemen usually buy the people sold for services such as cleaning, cooking, and other uses" They took in the information I was giving. Some members looked surprised, though I couldnt tell if the shock was from how much I knew or what people were being sold for. "Ok, the first requirement isnt too much of a surprise" "What about the other two?"

"The second requirement is special chakra or a Kekkei Genkai. I dont know if its happened yet but Im sure jinchuuriki fit this requirement too. People from well-known clans with special Kekkei Genkai are more expensive than those sold for their looks. There are different reasons for buying these people. Noblemen buy them for protection, as a bodyguard. Scientist, doctors, and some ninja buy them for experimentation. There are different benefits of buying a Kekkai Genkai wielder" I looked at Itachi. "For example, if Itachi was in the auction he would most likely be sold for his eyes. You know what?" I paused to look around at them. "All of you would be sold for special Jutsu. You guys are a strange group" I chuckled.

"Lastly, the third requirement. If there is a high bounty on your head or you would make a lot of money then you fit the third requirement. This is the smallest category seeing as most shinobi with a high bounty on their heads are skilled shinobi. Those unfortunate enough to get caught are sold to people that then sell them off to other people" I dusted off my hands. "Theres your short lesson on human trafficking" They stood in silence taking in the information. "Thank you for the information" Yahiko was writing something down on a scroll. "You seem to know a lot on the subject" Hidan crossed his arms. "Well as I am always being targeted I had to learn about these kinds of things" "Oh oh, you mean like how we targeted you" Tobi seemed excited that he came to the obvious elephant in the room. "Yes, idiot, Like how we targeted him" Sasori smacked Tobi over the head. He rubbed the back of his head and muttered something at Sasori.

"Now it could just be me" Zetsu began. "But it sounds like you fit the bill perfectly" My eyes drifted away as I thought about it. "Yeah, I noticed that too" Deidara added. Now they were all thinking about it. "You guys fit the requirements too" I pointed at them. "Do we look young enough to be in an auction?" I guess that was true. "I look young enough," Deidara flipped his hair to his back. "No, you dont. Shut up" Deidara crossed his arms and glared at Kisame. "Do you think it would be too dangerous to send you on this mission?" Konan looked at me with worry in her eyes. I shook my head. "I can handle myself. Plus, this is an undercover, analysis mission. I'll be fine" She nodded.

"Ok listen up. Due to his knowledge on the subject, Naruto will infiltrate the auction along with Itachi. Kisame and Zetsu will be on guard duty outside. If something goes wrong they will signal for you two. Do you understand?" We nodded. After learning where we would be, Yahiko explained what we would be doing. Itachi would be leaving earlier than me to make sure no one knew we were there together. Of course, we would be in disguise. It would be quite a hassle if someone found out it was us. Lucky for us the auction was a masquerade.

"One last thing" We turned our attention to Yahiko. "There will be a major inconvenience if what info we have is correct. There might be some leaf or sand shinobi on one of the three auction days" I stepped back a little. My eyes became wide. A one of three chance of running into shinobi. "If you run into them make sure they don't know who you are. Especially you Naruto. It will probably be hard on you but know that they aren't fellow shinobi anymore" I smiled, though I was the least bit happy. "Don't worry, they weren't fellow shinobi to begin with" He nodded. "That's all for now. The mission is in 4 days. Make sure youre ready for it" He picked up the scrolls. "You are dismissed"

And just like that, the meeting was over. Sneaking into an auction with a chance of running into leaf and sand shinobi. What a great idea for my first mission. "Are you sure you'll be ok on this mission?" Itachi walked out of the bathroom. I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'll be fine," I thought about everything we learned at the meeting. "I wasnt close with many leaf or sand shinobi" The bed sank as he laid down with me. "I wasn't really close to many people at all actually" "Yes, sorry I brought it up" The room darkened as he turned off the light. "But think about the possibility of someone you were close to showing up. Though it is highly unlikely, what would you do then?" There was a weight on my chest as I began to think about his question. "I dont know"

It wasnt much of an answer but it was the best one I could come up with. "Thats ok. You dont have to come up with an answer" The room grew quiet in an awkward silence. It felt like something was missing. I felt like something would go wrong. Like I wasnt considering something I should. "Ita- I- um" I couldnt get any words out. "Yes?" what was I going to say. Why did I open my stupid mouth? "I want- can you" I trailed off to a whisper "hold me". "What are you saying Naruto? I cant hear you" Don't make me repeat it. I dont know if I can. I cleared my throat. "If it isnt too weird for you, could you, hold, me. Please" I struggled to get the words out.

My answer came soon enough as I felt an arm draped over my waist. My body was pulled towards him as his strong arms held me. The hairs on my neck stood up when he talked. "Sure" We moved a little and got into a restful position. "Are you comfy?" His hot breath hit my neck with every word and breath. "Yes," I managed to utter the words. "Thank you" He began to play with my hair. The sensation made my eyes begin to grow weary. Before my eyes fell shut he whispered one last word, "Goodnight"

Oyasumi guys. I'm tired. Thanks for reading and patiently waiting for new chapters. Happy pride month! (note: I did not proof read this at all because I wanted to publish it as soon as possible. there are probably a ton of mistakes. Also I just had to go through an rewrite every, single, freaking, quotation mark because they weren't showing up)

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