Chapter 2

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It's cold and dark. Where am I? I tried getting up and winced in pain. Now I remember. They placed that seal on me. Now I can't heal. I used some of Kurama's chakra to see in the dark. I was on a stone floor surrounded by the three identical stone walls. The other wall was made of bars.

"Um. Hello?" I said to no one in particular. No response. That's strange. I know I can sense some one else's chakra. "I know you're there. Can you please tell me where I am?", Crickets. Again. Great. I noticed my legs and arms had cuffs on them. The chains from the cuffs connected to the back wall. I could tell they were chakra infused. I wonder what they do.

I sat there for what felt like hours before some one walked up to the bars. "Stand up" He said coldly. I did as told. "Back up to the wall and don't move. Don't even think about attacking me either. Got it demon." I nodded. I slowly backed up to the wall and stood completely still. He used chakra to unlock the bars and walked up to me. Slowly he uncuffed me, stopping every time to make sure I wouldn't do anything. Finally all the cuffs were of. I rubbed my wrists not expecting what happened next. I was nocked to the floor by a powerful kick. The Anbu man held a kunai to my neck. "I said not to move"

He grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet. Grabbing my hands he wrapped them around my back and cuffed me yet again. Wow. So I was uncuffed just so I could be put into a different pair of cuffs. He pushed me towards the front of the cell. We walked out of it and to an unknown destination. After walking through darks halls we made it to a door. He opened the door and pushed me in.

The lights were dim, but my eyes still had to adjust after being in darkness for so long. When my eyes finally adjusted I noticed rows of people. I was pushed harshly to my knees and locked into place with a bar behind me, over the cuffs. I noticed there were three separate groups. Ninja, civilians, and another group I couldn't make out.

"We are gathered here today to discuss the future of Naruto Uzumaki" A voiced boomed through the room. What? My future? "Time for the voting. We have already discussed everything else." The voice said again. "Those who want Naruto Uzumaki kept in containment raise your hands" I saw hands raise throughout the crowd. "Thank you. Now, those who want him sent away raise your hands" This time hands shot up everywhere. The civilian crowed was yelling their normal insults and some ninja joined in.

I had notice some people that never raised their hands but I couldn't tell who they were. "Excuse me" I said barely above a whisper. No one heard. I repeated it a bit louder. This time a few people noticed. Fine then. "Excuse me!" I shouted. This time people noticed. The room went silent. "Can someone tell me what is happening?" I said, trying my best to be polite. "After going through some things about you and your past we had to decide what to do with you." The voice from before said. "What do you mean by that?" I asked slightly irritated. "After reviewing your actions, past and present, we have come to the decision to send you away" They said. "And by 'sent away' you mean banished. Am I correct?" "Yes". I looked down. I knew this might happen by the slightest chance but still. This was too far.

I laughed quietly earning shocked and concerned stares. "You know what. Fine. Banish me. I'm done with you people anyway" I said coldly. Some gasps could be heard from the crowd. "Take him away" The voice said. The bar was lifted and I was pulled to my feet. They pushed me forward and to the exit. We walked up a flight of stairs and through another door. I was met with brightness. The sun shown down on by blonde hair and everything seemed so peaceful. I chuckled. It is far from peaceful right now.

I looked back and noticed that we had come from the Hokage tower. I never knew it had a basement. The Anbu surrounding me lead me down the streets, not caring that people would see me. They walked me to my house and uncuffed me giving me the usual warning. I grabbed a pair of clothes and my money. That's really all I have. Oh wait! I ran back to my room grabbing the picture I held so dear to me. Thinking about them, I wonder if they know what's going on?

I put my stuff in a small bag and walked to the front door. "Bye house" I said sadly. I had made so many memories here. I guess that doesn't matter now, does it. The Anbu cuffed me again before walking me back to the Hokage tower. We walked to granny's room and knocked. No response. Weird. After a minute a quiet 'come in' could be heard. I was pushed, yet again, into the room. Inside way granny along with the sensei and my friends. Granny's eyes were red. I guess she has been crying.

"Naruto Uzumaki" she paused unable to talk. "by popular vote. You are here by banished from the hidden leaf village" She finished. My eyes became dull and a shadow cast over my face. Hinata and Sakura had tears falling down their faces. The rest of my friends were trying to stay strong, but I could feel their pain. I bowed. "Thank you for everything Lady Hokage" I said. I stood up straight and looked at my friends. "Sorry for causing you trouble" I said to them. I don't think I can take anymore. If I say one more thing I'll breakdown.

"Uncuff him now" Granny ordered. The Anbu nodded and released the cuffs. I rubbed my wrist. They had purple lines from the handcuffs "Go ahead you guys. Let's see him off" She said as everyone started walking to the door. I guess I'm leaving. We walked to the gates of Konoha.

Arriving at the gates we all stopped. I sighed and turned around. "Bye guys. I hope you become really strong and have a great life" I said letting one tear escape my eye. They all ran to me and hugged me. Now everyone was crying. Great. "We'll miss you knuckle head" Sakura said. All the sudden I felt another familiar chakra.

"Sasuke" I said earning confused looks. "Hey dobe" He said. Everyone turned to the voice. He walked over to me. "I heard what happened" He said with a hint of sadness. "Yeah". We stood in silence for a while before he walked closer to me. Suddenly I was engulfed in a hug. I was surprised to say the least and everyone else was no different. I hugged back and squeezed tightly. "I'm sorry" he said. "It's my fault. If I hadn't been so stupid and left the village" He squeezed back "It's not your fault". We broke the hug. "Be safe" he said. "yeah". And with that I left the village. My home of 16 years. I'll miss you my friends and sensei.

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