Chapter 5

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I cannot believe I just said that. I've been pushed to the point of joining a group of S rank criminals. The very group of criminals that are after me. I sighed. "Introduce yourselves" the man with orange hair said.


Well no dip Itachi. Anyways. I looked at the man with orange hair. "I am the leader Yahiko, also known as Nagato" he said. Wait. Why does that sound familiar. Ah hah! "You're one of Pervy Sage's students!" I exclaimed. He looked shock. "Jiriya sensei?" He asked. I nodded. "So he is your sensei too?" I nodded again. "It's nice to finally meet you. Pervy Sage told me about you. He even mentioned you in his book" I said.

"Anyway, my name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! Nice to meet you, ya know!" I said with a wide grin. Oops. I guess I got too excited and added a 'ya know'. "Did you say Namikaze?" Asked Yahiko. Or Nagato. I don't know which. "Yeesss?" I said like I was questioning myself. "He's the fourth Hokage's son" Itachi said. I guess he would know since he was in the village at the time of the nine tails attack. I nodded.

"He could give us good information on the leaf don't you think" said Kakuzu. I let out some of Kurama's chakra. "Excuse me?" I asked sickly sweet. "Calm down Naruto" Itachi said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Sorry. Also I couldn't really give you that much information. They never really told me anything. Also, if you already forgot, I was banished" I said.

The villagers never talked to me. The only words that came out of their mouths were insults and threats. I shivered remembering some of the things they did. "To be honest the only reason I learned about the nine tailed fox was because villagers couldn't keep their mouths shut. Especially when they're drunk" I told them sadly. They all held a hint of sadness in their eyes. "What do you mean by when they're drunk" Itachi asked. "It's like it sounds. People blab when they're drunk. They also do very bad things" I said slightly lifting up my shirt to show a few scars. "Why didn't you fight back!" Itachi yelled grabbing both my shoulders.

I stood up. "You think I didn't?! I did and learned the lesson not to do that ever again! Plus, attacking them would make me exactly what they call me. A monster, a demon, a thing!" At this point I was stacking from anger and sadness. Probably shouldn't have done that. I started to fall unable to keep my legs straight. Luckily Itachi caught me before I hit the ground. "I'm sorry Naruto. Let's get you some food. Ok?" I nodded. He helped me walk to the kitchen and the others followed soon after.

Itachi sat me down at the table. He began cooking some actually healthy food. Something I personally never had. After he finished cooking it he set the plates on the table and took a seat next to me. "Wow you're like our mom or something" Deidara said laughing. Itachi whipped his head towards him, sharingan spinning. "Sorry, sorry" Deidara said holding his hands up on defense. I giggled. "He's right" I whispered shoving food in my mouth. This time he turned towards me. He smiled. "What was that?" He asked too nicely. "Nmmpph" I mumbled inaudible words with food in my mouth. At this point everyone was laughing.

Itachi sighed and started eating. I was full after about 6 bites. I leaned back in my chair and waited for the others to finish their food. "You're not going to eat more?" Asked Kisame shoving a chunk of food in his mouth. I shook my head no. "You barely ate anything," said Sasori. I sighed. "After not eating for a while it's not the best idea to eat a lot. I'm used to eating very little anyways so it's fine" I explained. "That's not a good habit. You should slowly work up to eating more" Konan said. "Thanks for the concern but I'm alright" I smiled.

They finished eating and all slowly left to wherever. I helped Itachi clean the dishes. "You really are like their mom" I said while walking to the sink. "Usually Konan cooks but I occasionally do too" he said continuing cleaning. "It was really good. Thank you" I said. "Your welcome". There was an awkward silence for awhile before I spoke. "Soooo. What am I going to do around here and where am I going to sleep?" I asked. I have no clue what they would need me for. Sure I have the nine tails but that's about it. I don't think I'm particularly strong, though some may disagree. "I don't know what you will be doing around here. You can ask Yahiko. As for sleeping, we don't have any extra rooms so you'll either sleep on the couch or room with someone else" he explained. Those weren't the best options. I wouldn't feel safe sleeping on the couch. Not yet at least. Though I don't want to room with someone. Oooo wait. Lightbulb.

"Can I room with you?" I asked Itachi. He stopped what he was doing and thought about my question. "I have no obligation. Unless you snore. Then I will kick you out" he said coldly. I laughed. "Thank you. I don't think I snore but I don't really know". I never really thought about what I'm like when I'm asleep.

We finished cleaning the dishes and walked through a set of halls. We made it to a door. Itachi nocked and waited for a response. I'm assuming this isn't his room. "Come in". We walked in the room. It looked kind of like the hokage's office room. "Sir. Naruto will be rooming with me if that is alright with you" Itachi stayed. Yahiko nodded. "And I'm assuming he agreed to this?" Konan said looking at me. I nodded. "Ok". We walked out of the room and down more hallways.

Finally we made it to what I assumed was Itachi's room. He opened the door and walked in. I walked in behind him and closed the door. The room was relatively big. There was a queen sized bed and a couch. Connected was a small closet and a bathroom. "Fancy" I said. This place was about the size of my apartment. "Hey um... do you know where my backpack is?" I asked. I hope he grabbed it. "Yeah. Here" he walked over to the closet and grabbed my bag out of it. I opened the bag and grabbed the photo. I held it close to my chest. I'm glad it's safe. Itachi looks at the photo before grabbing it out of my hands. "Hey. What the h-" I stopped myself as I saw him putting it on one of the night stands. "Oh. Thank you" I said and he smiled. He what! I looked again to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. There was no smile on his face. Maybe I was just imagining things.

I grabbed out the only pair of clothes I had and looked at Itachi. He pointed towards a drawer in a dresser. I opened the draw to see it was empty. I set my clothes down in it and closed it. "What time is it?" I asked. "Around 10 pm" Itachi said. "You stink. When was the last time you showered?" Rude. Now that I think about it. It was before I went on the mission to get Sasuke. Wow. "Maybe a week or two ago". He sighed and lead me to the bathroom. Wow. It was a really big bathroom. There was a large bathtub and behind it was a giant shower. He grabbed my clothes from the drawer and set them near the sink. "Shower" he commanded before walking out of the bathroom and closing the door.

Ok then. Maybe I will get treated better here. I just might make this my new home. Thanks Akatsuki.

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