Quick Note (please read)

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Just a quick note. I'm in the middle of writing the new chapter, which I will try to finish and upload today. If any of you have scenes you would like to see or ideas for chapters, feel free to message me. I am not the most creative person, and sometimes I really struggle with coming up with ideas for chapters. Also thank you all so much for 2k views. I appreciate all the support and love in the comments. Waking up and seeing the positive comments really makes my day, so thank you. I love all, see you back in a little.

Edit and PS: I write these chapters on google docs and then copy and paste them into wattpad, BUT for some reason the quotation marks AREN'T SHOWING UP. SO NOW I HAVE TO GO BACK AND EITHER WRITE THEM ALL IN OR COPY AND PASTE UNTIL THEY MAGICALLY APPEAR. Anyways, just thought I should let you all know.

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