Chapter 17

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Naruto's POV

I was sure my heart was beating so fast it flat lined. I immediately regretted my decision. How stupid can you be Naruto? Telling Itachi Uchiha you fell in love with him. Some dumb, insignificant, cast out, teen, falling in love with ITACHI UCHIHA. Shitshitshitshit.

I couldn't look him in the eyes. The thought of seeing his expression terrified me. Thinking about the disgust that must be on his face made me want to vomit. A man loving another man, it's not normal. I should have kept to myself, and stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, quickly getting off the bed and approaching the door. Suddenly a kunai hit the door before my hand could reach it. I spun around, finally looking at him, only to be met with a different world behind me. Everything looked strange and seemed off. "I-Itachi?"

"I'm here" I turned and found him, a sigh of relief leaving me before remembering what had just happened between us. "I'm sorry. I used my sharingan on you. I knew you wouldn't let me answer before running away, so I decided to take us here." He motioned around us, while slowly approaching me.

I attempted to back up, but he had already ceased my wrist. I looked away and tried to pulled my hand away. His grip tightened, scrunching up the skin on my wrist. No matter how mush I tugged, his grip never faltered. "Please let go of me" I said barely above a whisper.

"Look at me" His voice was deep, an quiet, but it sounded almost as if he was smiling.

I hesitated shortly before feeling his hand on my cheek. He lifted my head towards him, prompting me to look at him subconsciously. When I finally saw his expression my breath stuttered. His cheeks were lifted as a smile spread across his face. I couldn't help but blush slightly. He was beautiful.

"Thank you." He hugged me, squeezing me so tightly it was as if he was afraid I would slip away from him if he let go. Without realizing it, tears were forming in my eyes. He pulled away, hands resting on my waist. I held tightly to his arms. "Naruto, honestly speaking, I don't know anything about love either. Despite that, I'm certain the way I feel about you, is just right."

I was surprised by his words. His gentle touch caught me off guard. "What do you mean?"

He chuckled, "You're so oblivious." He brought me closer to him. I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

"I love you, Naruto."

His words sent tremors through my body. My legs began to feel weak as I slowly sank, almost to the ground if not for Itachi. His normally pale face held the slightest hint of red, and his ears were a dusty pink. Seeing this, my face flushed full of color in an instant.

I let out a sigh I hadn't known I had been holding. A few tears even slipped down from my previously watery eyes. "Are you serious?" My voice cracked slightly. He lifted me back up, and nodded.

"I'm serious," his grip on my waist tightened, "I love you".

"AAaaaahhhhh!" I groaned. "Stop saying it, I can't take it." I shoved my head into chest, avoiding any kind of eye contact from him or me.

"Never. I've been waiting to say it for too long to stop now. And now that I can, I'll do it all the time, because I love you." He replied slyly. I couldn't see his face, but I felt like he was smirking. "Do you really want me to stop?"

I paused, then shook my head. "No, I couldn't be happier to hear you say that." I wrapped my arms around him so tight, I thought I might kill him. He returned the hug, with much less force, and stroked my back. We stayed, hugging for what felt like forever and nothing at the same time.

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