Chapter 4

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Naruto's POV
I was slowly waking up, feeling kind of weird. I kept my eyes closed so the sun light wouldn't hurt them. That's when I noticed something wrong. This definitely is NOT the ground.

I noticed there were chains around my wrist and ankles strapping me to what I believe is a chair. I stirred slightly and sat up straight. I could here voices start to shush each other.

"So you're finally awake" a voice said. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I could hear Kurama growl inside me. My face paled. "The Akatsuki" I whispered.

"Ding, ding, ding" a man with silver hair joked. I decided struggling now would probably be a bad decision. "We want to ask you a few questions" the man I knew as Sasori said. "Straight to the point I see. Ask away" I said. "You gave in rather easily. That's not like you. I'm curious Naruto. Why were you alone?" A voice I knew all to well said. My face lit up a little but it wasn't noticeable. "Itachi?" I asked. A figure slowly walked out from the shadows. Itachi. "It's good to see you" I said smiling. "Thanks, but will you answer my question" He asked. A shadow cast over my face and my eyes dulled again. "You two know each other?" Deidara asked. Itachi nodded and looked back at me. "Naruto?" Itachi questioned. "Do I have to say" I asked not looking at him. At this point the whole group was wondering why I was acting like this. "Yes" a man with orange hair said. I sighed before taking a deep breath. "I was banished" I said sourly but held a smile. I looked up to see shocked faces. "Why would they banish their jinchuriki!" Kisame yelled. "Yeah. I'll bet he's lying to get info from us" Deidara yelled. "You do remember I was the one kidnapped. It's not like I snuck in here" I said. Everyone face palmed at Deidara. He sigh. "Oops" "still. Why would they banish you Naruto?" Itachi asked. I looked at him like he was stupid. It's so obvious. "Who wouldn't want to get rid of a monster the moment they saw it" I put it simply. Itachi seemed slightly saddened but showed no hint of it. Stupid Uchiha and their stupid stone cold faces. "That's a bit harsh. Would they really do that for nothing? You must have done something really bad" this black and white Venus fly trap looking thing said. "I didn't. I brought Sasuke back to the village after we fought. I brought him to the hospital so they could heal them. I headed to granny's room knowing they doctors wouldn't heal me and then the council came and threw me in some cell thing. When I woke up they brought me to a court type thing and it was decided I would be banished. They took the smallest mistakes I made and used them all against me. They took every chance they could to get rid of me. Some had even tried to with their own hands before. And here we are now" I finished my long story. Their faces once again in shock. "I'm sorry" Itachi said. "It's not your fault. Also Sasuke is all better. He decided to stay in the village and was there to send me off" I said smiling at Itachi. "Thank you. I don't know what Sasuke would do without you" my face saddened again. "Well he's going to have to learn to do things without me from now on I guess. I wonder how they're doing." I blabbed on without thinking. "Sorry. I'll be quiet". It was silent for a while. Itachi walked over to the man with orange hair. He leaned into the mans ear and whispered something. He nodded. Itachi walked over to me and untied the chains. "I'm beginning to get used to bruises on my wrist" I said lifting my arm up to show my bruised wrist. I tried to stand up but fell. Well, I would have if Itachi hadn't have caught me. "Thanks" He sat me down in the chair. "When was the last time you ate?" A girl with purple hair asked. "Why?" I asked curious about the random question. "Because that might be why you're so weak right now" she walked over to me and put her hand near my stomach. Her hand started to glow green with her medical ninjutsu. "How long was I out?" I asked. "About a day or two" a man with an orange mask said. "Then it's been about three days. I ate one bowl of ramen four days ago" I said. Wow. I guess it has been a while since I've eaten. "You should take care of yourself better" a man with a mask and weird green eyes said. "You think I don't know that" I hissed. "Sorry. I guess I've been more focused on finding somewhere to sleep" I apologized.

"Naruto. Would you like to join the Akatsuki? We would be giving you food and shelter. You would also be safe here" Itachi said. I was shocked to say the least. It was a good offer but these were bad people. "We're not as bad as we seem. We may do bad things but we do it for a good cause" he said. It's like he read my mind! I thought about it for a while. "Ok. I'll... I'll join the Akatsuki"

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