Chapter 18ish

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Our conversations went on for hours, talking non stop about anything and everything. Finally being able to truly talk to someone about life was a new experience for me, and possibly for Itachi too. A grumble sounded from my stomach, interrupting our conversation on Suna's politics.

"Hungry?" Itachi laughed. I nodded and sat up. The blood rushed to my head causing a small headache. The sheets rustled as Itachi got out of bed, offering his hand to help me out. I took it, slowly sliding of the soft, comfy bed. Despite leaving the bed, I was still warm. I looked down, noticing our hand still together, fingers intertwined. A blush spread across my face as I looked back up and continued walking. The thumping of my heart grew louder every second we approached the kitchen.

I halted my steps, pulling Itachi back with me. His eyebrow raised as he questioned my actions. "I don't know if I'm ready to tell anyone yet. About us." I said, holding up our interlocked fingers. He smiled. A genuine, understanding smile.

"That alright. I don't know if I'm quite ready either," He leaned towards my ears, his breath making my hairs stand on end. "But I'd never hesitate to show that you're mine," He backed away, looking me in the eyes. I stood for a second, lips parted and eyes wide, trying to get my brain to function. I shook my head and resumed walking.

The table came into view, a sigh of relief leaving my body. Turning my head, I spoke while walking. "You're ridiculous you know that?" I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water.

"Yes, I did know. Thank you." Itachi followed, grabbing his own drink as we sat down at the table. We were so enraptured in our conversation I hadn't payed much attention to the others sitting at the table.

"It's rhetorical. You're not supposed to answer." I scoffed, turning my head away. I would have flipped my hair if it was long enough.

"I know that too" He responded slyly. I glared at him and took a bite of my food, chewing angrily. Although, it's hard to be angry with such delicious food. My face lifted into a smile as I continued eating.

"This is really good!" I said with a closed eye smile and a mouth full of food.

"Oh, so you did notice we were here" Deidera joked, crossing his arms. I laughed at his antics, picking up another bite of food.

"Yes, sorry for not paying enough attention to you" My face scrunched up, mocking a pout. The atmosphere of the room was happy. And safe. I sighed. "You know," I started in a sincere tone. They looked to me, waiting for the end. "You guy's are so much different than I expected" I finished with a chuckle.

They seemed to ponder it for a moment. Hidan was the first to speak, seeing as he lacked a big enough brain to really ponder something. "Oh yeah, and what did you expect us to be like?", he finished in a snarky tone and shoving the nearest food into his mouth. I laughed at his antics.

"Well for starters," I crossed my arms and thought about it, "you're all S-rank rogue ninjas.". My eyes skimmed through them. "You also act a lot different then people would think. I thought Sasori was some big, weird, puppet dude." I gestured at him, then Kisame, "I thought you were super mean and weird, but you're actually nice."

"What about the weird part?" Kisame said, attempting to sound offended.

"No that's the same" I retorted. They laughed at the witty response. "I thought Deidera was batshit insane, loud, and stupid, but... well never mind, that's also the same."

"Ok, when did this turn into an insulting speech rather than a 'oh I love these people that took me in, they're so nice to me and they're all amazing' speech?!" Deidera pitched his voice up in an attempt to mock me. I put my hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry, you're so amazing and kind. Thank you for taking me in when I was a damsel in distress in need of saving." I threw my head back, the back of my hand on my forehead, adding to my "performance". I looked back at them, staying silent for a moment. "That parts true though. Thank you so much for taking me in and giving me somewhere to be safe, and feel like I belong." I bowed, as far as I could in my seat, hoping they could feel the sincerity of my words.

Konan set her hand on my shoulder, urging me to look up. She smiled, in fact they were all smiling, in their own way. "A home?"

A smiled back, my hair bobbing as I nodded.

"A home"

Hey, I know it's been awhile. Last chapter was in fact the end of the story, BUT I wanted to add this little chapter just, idk, for fun I guess. I hope you all enjoyed, and once again, thank you so much for reading. Love you all!


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