Chapter 13

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Oooof. I was gone for waaayyy too long. Sorry about that everyone. I have literally zero motivation to do anything right now, and I was on vacation last week. Enough excuses though, here is your chapter.

The door opened with a creek, letting light shine into the room. The first person was taken out of their cage and exited the room. The auction must be starting soon. The room would clear out from the front of the room to the back where I was. If they are saving best products for last. I squirmed with the though of me being a "best product". I picked up the faint sound of clapping. The main room must be either far away, or the walls of this room are very fortified letting no sound in. The claps weren't audible to the human ear unless you had very heightened senses like me.

The claps died down and the outside became silent. Whimpers of children could be heard in the room. The negative energy in the room was so thick you could cut it with a kunai. Around three minutes later, the door opened again. Another cage was opened, another gone. My mind was soring, ideas were passing through a light speed. I had to think of something to do, and fast.

Even though I tried to think of different ways to get everyone out, it seemed someone was one step ahead. The building shook lightly as a crash sounded in another room. It sounded as though it came from the main room where the auction was being held. I jumped up to my feet, slightly regretting it when pain shot through the bruises on me. Regardless, I smiled.

Was it Itachi. Had the Akatsuki come to get me. I frowned and though about it. If it were the Akatsuki, they wouldn't have burst through like that. They would most likely sneak in. No, I doubted myself. Deidara would definitely blow anything up if the opportunity presented itself. Shouting and screaming could be heard. The screams were most likely from the auction participants. The shouts sounded more like commands. Now, I was sure it wasn't the Akatsuki.

People stormed the building searching every room until they arrived at the room containing people. Upon arrival they shouted back at the others that they had found "them", probably referring to the trapped people. The door burst open with a hard blow. The door made an excessive amount of noise as it fell to the ground. As I analyzed our "saviors" I found one familiar thing in common. They were shinobi. From the sand and leaf!

Each cages door was broken down carefully and each individual was taken out safely by a shinobi. At last a group of shinobi came to my cage. It was a mixed group, two sand shinobi, two leaf shinobi. They broke down the door and came to inspect the chains. I kept my head down hopping the leaf shinobi wouldn't recognize me. One of the leaf shinobi was ahead of himself about to recklessly pull at the chain to get it to break. I braced for some pain but nothing came.

My gaze shifted upward to see what had happened. The reckless leaf shinobi's arm was held tightly away from the chain by another person. They too far behind me so I couldn't see them in my peripheral vision. The shinobi's arm was thrown down to their side as the person spoke. Their voice was all too familiar to me.

"What do you think you're doing. If you don't know what the chain are or how to safely take them of then don't try to so carelessly. And even more than that, do not hurt anyone here. He could have been harmed by the chain if you had done that. Think carefully next time" The man spoke to the shinobi that now looked embarrassed and ashamed. He apologized for his actions before the man dismissed the shinobi.

He cautiously removed the chains from my neck and ankled inspecting any wounds they left. His eyes narrowed when he saw the bruises forming from the beating I received. He was shocked but pushed it aside, instead focusing on my well being. Needless to say, he was even more shocked when he looked up at my face. A wave of emotions washed through his eyes.

"Naruto. You... it's you"

I laughed at his stuttering voice, ignoring the tinge of pain that came with it. "Who elso would it be. Who knew you could be this dumb Teme" I smiled at him.

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