Chapter 15

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Sasuke's POV

"So, captain, you and Naruto are close friends?"

I turned around to face my team members. Nodding my head as I spoke, "We quarreled often when we were younger."

I laughed remembering our silly antics and stupid arguments. "Despite being quite different from each other, we still made good teammates. When I left the village he tried to stop me and bring me back."

Releasing a sigh I continued. "I honestly might have been more immature then him, which is hard to do. He was trying to help me, but I was so blinded by rage that I almost killed him"

Turning my head back around, I faced the road. Trees surrounded the dirt path as we neared the leaf village. "If it weren't for his unique power, he'd probably have died."

A few murmurs sounded behind me, questioning this "special power" and Naruto possibly dying.

"I can't believe people believe he would conspire against the village. Seriously, he is such an airhead sometimes. I've even begun to believe he doesn't have a brain."

The shinobi laughed at my comment. As people's minds wandered, it became quiet. The sound of dirt and gravel under the shoes of the group was barely audible. The leaves of the encompassing trees rustled in the wind. An oppressing aura set in as I stopped in my tracks and spoke.

"Do not tell anyone we encountered Naruto"

The air around us stilled as the group paused in their tracks. Silence filled the crisp air as people felt the weight of the words.

"Yes sir"

The echoes of the two words were quite. Almost as if they were telling a secret or some gossip. The solemn expression on my face was quickly wiped off my face as we continued back to the village.

Nearing the gates, I nodded at the guards stationed at the front. They return the gesture as we walked into the village.

The team split off to write their reports as I made my way to the Hokage Tower. Along the way I was greeted by fellow shinobi and villagers. They shared friendly smiles and salutations. Sometimes, I doubted their smiles.

After how poorly I treated Naruto and others, I didn't understand why people were so kind to me. If it had been anyone else, that wasn't Naruto, I'd be in a bit more trouble. Supposedly, because I'm the last Uchiha, I get to be a total di... disgrace. I learned my lesson, sure, but that doesn't change it. The red I see constantly. Red like my clans cursed eyes. Like the blood of my people. Like the blood I made Naruto spill. The red of his power. The red that reminds me of my mistakes. The red of the door I entered. Like the hat weighing down on Lady Hokage's head.

Her hat tilted up with her face. She greeted me, asking for my report. I gave a brief summary of the mission. We conversed about the organization, the victims, motives, classic debriefing stuff. Going through the run of the mill things, I must have zoned out while talking.

She snapped her fingers at me. My eyes focused in, as I listened to her speak. "Anything else important to report". There was a gleam in her eye. A dull sliver of hope. I smiled in response.

"Yes. I might be getting a haircut next week. What do you think I should do?" My smile shifted to a grin. Now, to anyone else listening to this conversation, it seems a bit out of place, but normal. To those who know of what this sentence really means, it's far from normal.

"That depends, where are you thinking of going?" The question was quick, anticipating the reply.

"Near where the mission was. I heard the place is relatively safe, and the owner's happy"

Tsunade smiled, "Good, if you do go. bring this letter" The many items in her drawer wobbled as she opened it. She handed me a small scroll, closing the drawer. "I happen to know the owner. You are dismissed".

. . . . .

That's it for now. I know it's been a long time since I updated, oops. I felt bad at first, but then I remembered that, well, I write stories to make me happy. I write because I enjoy it. Trying to meet deadlines, write when I'm not inspired, and writing things I'm not happy with... Is stupid. I apologize if you were/are really into this story, but are upset that I don't update often. I want to write this for me, but it does make me happy that other people can enjoy this story with me.

Also in case this part didn't make since outside my head "Yes. I might be getting a haircut ... "I happen to know the owner. You are dismissed", I'll explain. Those upset with Naruto's banishment made a secret code in the case that they found him. To indicate that he had been found/spotted, the person would say they were getting a haircut. the place they are getting their hair cut, is where Naruto was found/spotted. "I heard the place is relatively safe, and the owner's happy", means Naruto/where he is staying, is safe and he is happy. ~Tada. Secret codes

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