Chapter 3

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I walked away from the village, tears freely flowing down my cheeks. I tried not to breakdown in front of them. Luckily I didn't cry that much in front of them. Well, I guess I should put that in the past. I have to think about my future.

I walked for hours before the sun started setting. I decided it was a good time to set up camp. Oh crap. That's what I forgot. Never mind then. Off to find the next village. And with that I kept walking.

Time skip~ Two days later

It was about noon. I've been traveling for three days and only slept once. I decided to just sleep in a tree last night. Now I can see a village in the distance. Hope. I walked for about half a mile before I made it to the village entrance. "State your business" One of the guards said. Wow, they're much better than our guards. Well, not our anymore. I shake off that thought and answer the question. "Just looking for a place to eat and stay the night" I said smiling. "You seem young. Why are you by your self?" The other guard asked. "I'd rather not say" I said with my kindest smile. They nodded. "You may go" They said in unison.

I walked around before smelling heaven. RAMEN!!!!

Why are you yelling?! I was sleeping!

Sooorrryyyyy Kurama. But they have raaammmeennn.

Great. You need food. You have eaten in days.

That wouldn't be a first.

Let's not think about that. Remember ramennnn.

Oh yeah!

I ran to beautiful smell. I walked into the store and sat at the table. "What can I get you young man!" A lady with long brown hair asked, smiling sweetly. "The u-" I cut myself off. I can't say the usual can I? I'm so stupid. I looked in my wallet. Oh. "What's the cheapest ramen you have" I asked. Her smile faltered for a split second. "Our number two" she said. "I'll take one number two please" I said. She nodded and started cooking.

In minutes I was eating heaven on earth. I finished the bowl in a minute. "That was delicious! Thank you" I said paying her. As much as I would like ten more bowls I can't offered to waste money. "You're welcome. Have a nice day". I waved and walked out. I searched for a cheap inn to stay at. I eventually found one and booked the room for the night.


The room was tiny, not that I cared. It was warm and cozy though. I flopped onto the bed and immediately passed out. Some good sleep would be nice. Then back to traveling.

I ran as fast as I could to my house. You could her a group of people yelling behind me. Things were being thrown at me. Luckily most of them were drunk so they missed me. Suddenly something hit my head. I looked down to see a rock with blood on it. Whatever. Just keep running. I ran, and ran, and ran, and ran for what felt like forever. Many other things had hit me by the time I mad it to my house. I ran in and locked the door before passing out on the cold floor.
End Dream

I woke up just before sunrise. I didn't get the good sleep I was looking for but at least I got sleep. I sat up and got out of bed. Grabbing my bag and making my bed came first. I did that then left the inn. It was like I was never there.

Back to my travels. My mind started to wander as I walked down the dirt trail to no where. I'm soooo bored. I need to find a new home. Some where with kind people. Good ramen too of course. I don't like the idea of a new home. I feel like I'm, how do I put this, betraying my original home.

To get my mind off of things I began to sing. I sang whatever came to mind, letting my voice fill the area around me. It was relaxing. It was decently sunny and the sunlight gave you a warm feeling. A light, occasional breeze would blow every once in a while. You could hear rivers in the distance if you listen closely. It was peaceful. I wish it could be like this forever.

I walked for hours before setting up camp. I had bought a sleeping bag while trying to find the inn at the last village. I laid out the sleeping bag and made a small fire. Time for sleep. It's not like I have anywhere to go anyway. I slipped into a light sleep after about an hour.

3rd person
Naruto slept peacefully in his sleeping bag, unaware of the person watching him. The person snuck up to Naruto before knocking him fully unconscious so that he wouldn't wake up on the journey. But to where were they going? And who is this mystery person?

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