Chapter 12

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Recap (3rd person)

No, not again. I need to tell Itachi. Or even Sasuke and Gaara. I need help. In the spur of the moment I sent out a small wave of chakra. Only those keen to my chakra would notice. The last thing I remember was someone grabbing me and taking me away.

Almost in unison, Itachi, Gaara, and Sasuke's heads perked up. The familiar feeling of Naruto's chakra shot through them. Sasuke left Gaara, after much convincing, to go check on Naruto. Itachi watched the two's every move. He had seen Naruto walk out of the room with Sasuke earlier. Now, he would never admit it, but there was a hint of jealousy when that happened. Sasuke had re-entered the room without Naruto, and another person exited the room. Not long after, Naruto had sent a small shot of chakra through the room. Could he be in trouble?

Many questions raced through the three's heads. Especially the two raven's. When Sasuke had gone back out to check on Naruto, he was gone. Sasuke had thought through everything that could of happened. The auction continued without interruption. That leads us to now.

Itachi's POV

The auction came to a conclusion and people began making their way out. Those who bought went backstage, and others exited out the front. I snuck out and met up with Kisame. He greeted me and explained that Zetsu had headed back already. I scoffed, it was predictable.

"Hey, I might have been imagining things, but I thought I felt a hint of Naruto's chakra. It was hard to find but I could sense it" Kisame gave me a questioning look. We kept looking to see if Naruto had come out yet.

"You were right. Naruto and I were at different tables and" I took in a breath, getting ready to explain what happened next, "he ended up running into my brother." Kisame's head whipped in my direction and his mouth fell open.

"Sasuke" his voice boomed in my ear. I nodded at him. He kept his gaze on me, awaiting the next part.

"Something must have happened to Naruto, because Sasuke took him out of the room. He look quite worried too. Sasuke entered the room later but Naruto didn't." I was beginning to get even more nervous. Naruto still hadn't met up with us yet. "Another person left the room and not a minute later Naruto sent out a wave of chakra"

Kisame's eyes looked in the distance as he sorted through the details. "Naruto is a string kid. Plus, he's got the nine tails. While I doubt something bad happened to him, there is still the possibility" My heart was racing thinking of all the things that could have happened to him. He could be in serious trouble right now.

I was snapped back into reality when Kisame placed his hand on my shoulder. He shook his head at me. "Don't get your panties in a twist, Itachi. He's fine" He dodged the familiar feeling of my fist flying towards him. "See! That's the Itachi I know" I retracted my hand.

"You're right. He can take care of himself" Kisame nodded and removed his hand from my shoulder.

"That's the spirit." The wind blew through my hair as we leapt to the ground. "There is a chance he went back with Zetsu" Kisame suggested. I hadn't thought of the option. "let's head back ok" we headed away from the sight and back home. Everyone had cleared out of the auction before we left and there had still been no sight of Naruto.

My mind was occupied by thoughts of Naruto as we arrived back. Everyone was awaiting our arrival in the meeting room. I looked around for any sign of Naruto, but he was nowhere to be found. "Where's Naruto?" It wasn't me who spoke my question, but Konan. I looked at Kisame.

"I was right. Something did happen" I was worried about him. All this talk about him being strong didn't help in the end. I know he can defend himself, but that doesn't mean he can't be taken advantage of.

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