Chapter 9 part 1

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Warmth. That's what I felt. After what I felt in my sleep it was comforting. My breath was fast and I was cold with a light layer of sweat, but now I was warm. It was a level of comfort I had never felt. Where the feeling was coming from I didn't know. My thoughts are scrambled from my dream. No, a dream isn't the right way to describe it. Nightmare, memory, a recollection of the past. Any of those would be a better description. I began to sit up to reorient myself but stopped when I realized a slight weight on my waist. The room was dark but I could see the outline of a face. I looked down at the weight causing me to remain in bed.

That's right. Last night Itachi and I decided to sleep together. My face began to heat up and my ears began to burn. By my fairly obvious deductive reasoning, I assume this is Itachi's arm then. I looked back at his face slowly beginning to see more details as my eyes adjusted to the lack of light. His pale face was so clean and his hair was falling over his shoulder. I shook my head as if that would dissipate my thoughts of the man in front of me.

I don't want to disturb him, so my best bet would be to lay back down. I wouldn't really mind laying back down with him if it weren't for the hot feeling on my face. I don't know why I'm blushing. I have no reason to be embarrassed. I made my way back to my original place beside him. Now that I think about it, I never would have taken Itachi for the cuddly type. My lips formed a smile as I tried not to giggle. The "serious and deadly" Itachi, snuggling with a dumb blonde. Who would have guessed?

My thoughts began to wander until I ran out of them. I can't go back to sleep, I have run out of things to wonder about, and I'm stuck in bed with Itachi. Isn't that just lovely? Suddenly the mass in front of me began to stir. In an instant, I was met with dark obsidian eyes. They blinked drowsily before suddenly becoming alert. "Good morning, how long have you been awake?" His eyes softened with each word. I really thought he would say something cliche like, "how long have you been staring at me?" or "enjoying the view?", though now that I think about it he doesn't seem like he would say that. "I don't know. Maybe an hour ago. I couldn't fall asleep after waking up earlier" I kept staring at him, seemingly entranced by his eyes.

"Why are you up so early? If I'm right it should be around five thirty or six" His eyes focused as if he was trying to find the answer somewhere in the darkroom. "How do you know what time it is?" Itachi's gaze flowed back to me. "Answer my question first" I pouted but answered reluctantly. "I just tend to wake up early" He searched my eyes to see if I was lying. Suddenly the weight from my waist lifted and I could feel the faint touches on my side as his hand made it to my face. He brushed away my hair and grazed his thumb under my eye. "I can tell you've been crying" My eyes widened. I hadn't even noticed.

"I must have cried in my sleep" I smiled to dispel any concern but the look on his face tells me it didn't work. "Why?" The question was short and simple but the answer was far from it. My eyes fell away from his intense stare. "Just a bad dream" My eyes traveled back to his. "I understand if you don't want to tell me, but keeping your emotions bottled up is bad for you. Tell me if something is bothering you. It's ok to show flaws and weakness" He smiled at me. A real smile. No concealing it, no pretending it didn't happen. I could feel the blood rushing through. Every beat of my heart. Every breath felt heavy. I smiled back at him with the same, true, smile. "Thank you"

I will be writing more today and maybe publishing part 2 before midnight. Right now I have to cook dinner and finish up some other things so I can't type anymore. However, I didn't want to leave you guys waiting so I split this chapter in two. Thank you for your patience.

❤⃛ヾ(๑๑ )          ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡             (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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