Chapter 16

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Back to Naruto's POV *side note, while writing this chapter I listened to 'Daddy Issues' by 'The Neighborhood' and honestly the mood/tone of the text changed so fast with the song*

The smell of bacon wafted through the air, catching my attention. I stretched my arms, yawning while sitting up. The sheets were crinkled at my feet and smooth where Itachi and I lay. My back chilled as the warmth from him left my back. My eyes fluttered open to the room, a dim golden from lights on in the hallway. My stomach grumbled, though I wasn't very hungry. Beside me there was a stir, then a light groan as Itachi sat up. Snaking his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder, he greeted me. His voice was deep and scratchy from just awaking.

I smiled at him, softly inhaling the smell of bacon mixed with the room. I leaned my head against his and closed my eyes, shutting out the world. Darkness, quietness, it was peaceful.

"Good morning." I giggled, stretching out forwards towards my feet this time. His arms stayed around my waist as his face lifted off my shoulder. "What do you say we get up and go steal some of that delicious smelling bacon?"

"I know you want to," he unraveled his arms and shuffled out of bed. "so sure"

I threw myself back onto my back and rolled in the blankets. I shuffled to Itachi's spot, stealing the remaining warmth. "You know," I said, looking up at him. "I'm feeling like not getting up. Do you.. perhaps, maybe, just maybe. Want to go get food for me and bring it back?" I smiled at him trying not to chuckle.

A sigh escaped his lips as he turned around. "Just this once." He walked to the door, opening it and looking back. "I'm gonna tell whoever's cooking you didn't feel like greeting them and thanking them for the food though"

I sprang up, still wrapped in blanket. No, no, no. I'll come" I began to unwrap myself before Itachi stopped me, taking the blanket and covering me up.

"I was only kidding. Sorry" He apologized. He walked back to the door and left. The hallway disappeared as the door was closed.

I soaked in the warmth and comfort of the blanket. My thoughts started to wander as I waited for him to return. The way he hugged me, and comforted me. The way we joked around and smiled. The warmth I felt when he was around me. The way my heart feels heavy when he goes away on dangerous missions. The way it caught my attention every time his name was mentioned in a conversation or how my heart speeds up a bit when he says my name in a loving tone. How much he cares for me.

How is someone like me supposed to not have a crush? No, it wasn't a crush. I might be so bold, to consider myself... in love. The word feels foreign in my mind. Not the word itself, but the meaning and depth behind it. Sure, I love ramen. I love my friends. I love Kurama. But this is different. So much different. When I think about the future, my future, I can't imagine him not being in it. Us still living together. Maybe here, or on our own, possibly even in Konoha. He's just there, with me. I'm with him.

Yet for some reason, this upsets me. I don't want to be in love with him. It hurts me. I know we're just friends. I know he doesn't the things he does out of romantic love. He doesn't think about that way. And that hurts. It hurts more because I know it's my fault. I fell in love. I got the wrong hints. I got to attached. He was a good friend. He cares for me like a friend does. That's all I am to him. A friend. But to me. I want him to be more. I can't just say that however, no. It will ruin everything we've made together. It will break our bond. Shatter our friendship. Ruin the relationship that makes me the happiest, sad person alive.

Why would he love me? I'm sure his heart doesn't speed up when I say his name. He doesn't find any special qualities in me. He doesn't become more intrigued when my name is brought up in a conversation.

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