Chapter 11

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Sorry I took so long. I made this chapter extra long for you guys. Also I'm trying out a new writing style. Comment if you like it ;) have fun reading!

I pulled the sleeves of my tux over my arms. The material was soft against my skin. My white tux matched the black color of Itachi's. The complexion of his pale skin matched well with the color. The black matched his obsidian eyes.

"Let me handle your tie" Itachi walked to the closet and grabbed my tie. The heels of his shoes tapped against the floor as he walked back over. He unfolded the tie and wrapped his arms around my neck. I fiddled with the sleeves of my shirt to distract myself from the close proximity.

"I can do it myself you know" I crossed my arms and puffed out my cheeks. At least I know the basics to tying a tie. I think. I've never really had to dress fancy as my life consisted of cheap, affordable, clothes for missions.

He finished tying it and backed up to look at me. I looked at his tux. The sleeves fit tightly around his arms though the tux subtly hid his toned chest. Even though he's incredibly strong and fairly muscular, he still manages to have quite the slim body type.

"You look stunning" He handed me my mask, snapping me out of my thoughts. I took the mask from his hand and put it over my eyes.

"You jest kind sir" I joked, dramatically swooning. He laughed at my antics. Itachi grabbed his mask and we left the room.

"You ready for this mission" Itachi looked down at me, then back up to navigate the hallways. The only sound was the tapping of our feet on the floor.

"Yes" short but sweet. It was the only quick answer I could come up with. Between the leaf shinobi and my complete and large amount of distaste for these auctions, "Ready as I'll ever be" was a good enough answer.

Pein was waiting for us as we made it to the main room. Now all we needed was for Zetsu and Kisame. I twirled my fingers together waiting for their arrival. I was so bored I began picking at my nails. Anything to fill the time.

A large, green, Venus fly trap looking thing emerged from the floor. My heart rate increased in shock when Zetsu finally arrived. His entrances always do startle me. Kisame entered not long after Zetsu. Pein gave a brief review of our mission and we headed of.

The wind was blowing past my ears as we leapt from tree to tree. The auction was a considerable distance away. We were silent as we made out way through the forest. The sun would be setting soon. The sky behind us was beginning to turn a soft shade of purple. Almost like Hinata's hair. I laughed to myself while receiving strange glances from the others. I waved them off, telling them it was nothing.

Our speed began to slow to a walking pace as we descended from the trees. We touched the ground and began to walk to a near by path. We're getting close to the auction. I tried to set my mind into mission mode. I have to focus.

"It's time to split up. You know the signal incase anything strange happens" Itachi and I began to walk off. Kisame and Zetsu got into their scouting positions.

"You ready?" Itachi turned to look at me. I nodded and adjusted my tux.

We made it inside using the body flicker technique. It's really handy that I learned to do that. This way I don't have to use Kurama's chakra and it isn't noticeable. Itachi and I separated, making sure no one knew we came here together. I looked around for anyone that worked here. There were some waiters handing out drinks but I doubt they would know anything.

The room was very large with a cavernous ceiling. The roof was a dome shape decorated with murals. The walls were a dark beige color lined with dark oak pillars. Black and white tiles lined the floor causing the sound of voices and walking echo throughout the room. Around the outer areas of the room there were tall tables to stand by and set drinks on. Many were filled with chatter of conversations.

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