Chapter 9 part 2

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Itachi's hand slipped away from my face. A slight chilled washed over me as he moved away. He pulled off the covers and got out of bed. "So I'm assuming the nightmare was the real reason for you waking up this early" Itachi suggested while walking toward the bathroom. "Well, kind of. That is the reason I woke up, but I wasn't lying when I said I wake up early" He walked back into the room with a hairbrush in hand. "On the other hand, it's usually the nightmares that cause me to wake up early" He walked over to me. "May I?" he gestured at the hairbrush. "Um, yeah, sure" It was a strange offer.

He began to brush through the knots in my hair. "So the nightmares are a recurring thing" I nodded. "And might I be so bold to assume they wouldn't offer you any type of therapy in the village?" The ends of my lips curled into a frown. "I never told anyone, and even if I had told them I doubt they would have done anything about it. In fact, they'd probably find some way to make it worse" There was a momentary stop of movement but he quickly went back to his steady pace of brushing.

"Sorry I mentioned it," he said beginning to brush through my hair with his hands. I shook my head lightly. "No, it's fine" Then something happened. From deep in my throat came a sudden rumble. Though it was soft it was audible. My head perked up. "Did you just purr?" I turned towards Itachi. What was that sound I just made? "Maybe" That was the only response I could come up with. "Well, well, well. Who knew?" Itachi smirked.

If Itachi smirked something very bad is about to happen. Who knows, maybe the world is ending. Itachi began running his hands through my hair with such delicacy. I leaned into his touch. His long finger glided through what knots were left in my hair. Then, once again, came a rumble from my throat. I tried to tell him to stop but no words were forming. Then another sudden change. His soft touch glided towards my neck. Light touches lead to a heavy one. He began massaging my neck. All the knots, all the tension. It was like every I worried about flowed out with each touch.

I leaned the back of my head against his stomach as his hands moved to my shoulders. "Why wouldn't they help you?" Itachi ran his hands over my shoulders. "Nh, because they hated me" I groaned as he rubbed a knot out. "They called me a demon, a monster, so many names. They only did it because the nine tails is sealed within me. Kurama isn't even a bad person" "Just because you indirectly saved the village by having the nine tails sealed in you? Furthermore, you've met the nine tails?" I nodded. "Interesting. Tell me" his hands slid down to my back.

"What did they do to you?" He wrapped his hands around to my sides. "Everything. Sometimes they would corner me in groups. Sometimes it was just one person. Some were ninjas and others were just civilians. They all hated me equally though. Those terrible eyes. All the glares and all the pain. On special occasions, they would be merciful" I turned my head to the side as if that would make the pain go away. "Merciful? As in, they wouldn't do bad things to you?" I closed my eyes and spoke with a shaking breath. "No. When I say merciful it just means a lighter punishment. Lighter punishment, I would probably describe as no weapons"
I could feel the disappointment radiating off him. Then another feeling washed over. One of panic yet relief. His slender yet strong arms wrapped around my waist. I jolted and my breath fastened. He let go and stepped back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that" I started to shake. The heavy pounding of my heart was overbearing. Faces flashed in my mind. Their scornful faces. Faces of disgust. Yet under all that disgust, some wore a look of lust. Touches where they shouldn't be. Hands where they weren't welcomed. 

I started gasping for air. I gripped the collar of my shirt away from my neck. I tried anything that would help me breathe. "Naruto" I whipped my head around to look at Itachi. He reached out to me like you would reach out to a frightened animal. In a moment of desperation, I reached out for him too. The bed creaked as I lept to him, and a thud could be heard as we toppled to the floor. "I know you're different than them. I just" I was saying words between pants. Desperate gasps for air. "I'm just scared" "You don't have to explain. I know. But it's ok now. I'm here for you" He ran his hands through my hair. "I'm so confused. I get so scared at certain touches, but-" I looked up at him "- you were so gentle. You cared about my well being, but I still got scared. I don't know what's wrong with me" Tears began to stream down my face.

"There is nothing wrong with you" he looked me in the eyes with an intensity I had never seen before. A different type of intensity. One with care and love behind it. "It isn't your fault. People have done bad things to you that you didn't deserve.Just calm down. Take deep breaths. I know it's hard, but try to focus on the good things in your life." My eyes softened. The only good thing in my life is the Akatsuki. Not that that's a bad thing. My thoughts traveled back to the man in front of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck. Carefully he hugged me back and held me close.

My breathing began to level out to a steady pace. We had sat there in each other's arms while Itachi stroked my back. "You smell good" I blushed at my own statement and pushed away from Itachi. He looked at me with confusion. "Thank you?" My face reddened more if that was even possible. "I'm sorry, that was really weird" He smiled at me. "It's perfectly fine. Plus, it seems like you're better now" I smiled at him. "I have you to thank for that" I looked at the position we were in. "Um, here" I stood up and held out my hand for him "let me help you up" "Gladly" he took my hand in his and stood up. "Do you want to go train to get your mind off of things?" I nodded. I'd do anything to distract me from my thoughts.

After everything that happened, I was having a whirlwind of emotions. First waking up in Itachi's arms. Then, him brushing my hair while I spilled out all my feelings. The feeling of him touching me as he massaged me. Even after all the nice things he did for me, I went and flipped out on him, but despite all that, he still stayed with me. He helped me, held me, supported me. The care and sympathy in his words. The way his arms fit around me. We had sat there for forever. I just met him yet we had already gotten so close.

"Let's get changed and go" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Itachi's voice. "Yeah" I picked out clothes to wear and started to quickly change. "Are you ready?" I turned to look at Itachi and was taken over by a strange feeling. There stood Itachi. Top exposed, no shirt, just abs. He turned to me. "Almost, just a second" He finished putting on his shirt and grabbed some ninja tools. I followed him as he opened the door to the hall. "After you" he smirked and gestured with his hand. Taking his invitation I quickly made my way out of the room. Why am I so nervous? And all the blushing. Ugh, I sound like Sakura when she fantasizes about Sasuke. Oh no. No, no, no, no.

I do not have a stupid teenage girl crush on "the" Itachi Uchiha.

It took longer than expected, but here it is. Remember, feel free to comment anything you think should happen or you'd like to see. Any input could be helpful. Thank you for reading.

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