Chapter 6

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I hopped into the shower and let the warm water run down my back. To be honest, I felt very vulnerable like this. Itachi is just through that door. One door is what stands between an S-ranked missing nin and an unclothed, mistreated kid. I shivered at the thought. He wouldn't do anything. Right? I shook the thought away and quickly washed off. It took me around 5 minutes to shower.

I got out and dried off, quickly slipping my clothes on. I put a small towel on my hair and dried it as I walked out of the bathroom. "Sorry it took me so long" I apologized. I had been in the bathroom for approximately 7 minutes, give or take a few. Itachi looked up from the book he was reading and shook his head. "You didn't take long at all. No need to apologize" He eyed me up and down causing my face to turn a light shade of pink. Wait what. Am I..... blushing?!

Finally Itachi spoke. "Do you want something comfier to sleep in? That looks like it would be uncomfortable to sleep in". "There is no need. I am used to sleeping in this". Itachi stood up and walked over to me. "Now that you are living with us, it's okay to accept things from others. Someone as young as you should have good memories to look back on, not ones of emptiness. I insist, just except offers if they're good" Itachi said while walking to the closet. He grabbed out a gray long sleeved shirt. "It will probably be to big but at least it will be more comfy than what you're in" He handed me the shirt and I excepted it with a smile. "Thank you"

Then came the awkward part. I couldn't figure out whether I should go to the bathroom to change or just stay here. Itachi went back to reading his book, paying no mind to me. I guess I can just change in here. He's not paying attention anyways. I slowly slipped of my shirt and folded it. I walked over to the dresser and set my shirt in the drawer. Then I walked back to he bed where I had set the shirt Itachi gave me. When I looked to see if Itachi was still reading, I was met with a surprise. He wasn't in his chair. Where did he go?

Just as the thought passed my mind a cold hand touched my back. I froze instantly, afraid of what would happen to me but no hit came. No inappropriate touching or kicks. Just a hand running softly over my back. "How could someone do this to such a kind soul" He whispered running his hand over a scar on my back. I whimpered slightly, remembering what had happened when I got that scar. He turned me around and pulled me to his chest. I had never felt such warmth and comfort. I couldn't take it anymore. I began to softly cry. He tightened his grip on me. I thought about all I've been through. The hatred of the villagers. The few friends I had, never to be seen again. Being kicked out. Mistreated. I just let it all out.

We rocked back and forth a little longer before he let go. I was quiet, but in my head I whimpered at the loss of warmth. He grabbed the gray shirt and slipped it on me. The sleeves passed my finger tips and it reached down to mid thigh. "Thank you," I whispered. He smiled at me and this time I knew it was real. "You should get some rest" He said as he lead me to his bed. I laid down and he pulled the blankets over me as if tucking in a child. Itachi walked back to the chair he was sitting at and continued to read. My eyes began to close as I started to slip into darkness.

"Goodnight" I said.

"Goodnight Naruto" Itachi said quietly. That was the last thing I heard before drifting to sleep.

Sorry, short chapter, I know. It has been very hectic with the end of the school year coming. Thanks for reading. See you next time.

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