Chapter 7

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. The room what's familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I started to panic. Oh wait, now I remember. The Akatsuki let me in as one of their own. I looked around for Itachi but couldn't find him. I guess he woke up already. What time is it?

I slowly set up and took the covers off. now to find Itachi. I walked towards the door and slowly opened it revealing the empty hallway. How am I supposed to find him with all these hallways? I  wandered aimlessly, taking random right and left turns. That was until I ran into Deidara. "Hey kid, what are you doing?" It was still weird hearing the Akatsuki members being so nice. I wasn't used to it. I mean, they did try to kill me.

"Um, well I was trying to find Itachi, but I got lost," I said embarrassed.  I probably looked stupid.  Deidara laughed. "he's probably in the kitchen. I guess I'll take you there since I was going there anyway" he began to walk down the hall and I followed closely behind. After way too many turns we finally made it to an opening that wasn't a hallway. It opened into the living area and kitchen.

"And we're here"  He swung his arm out to present the room as if showcasing an item on sale. "Thank you". We walked towards the kitchen. The other members were already sitting at the table while Konan put food on the table. "Nice of you to finally join us" Kisame sarcastically. Deidara mocked him while sitting down. I sat in the same place I sat yesterday. "Sorry if I'm late" they turned to me. "You're fine Naruto," Konan said sitting down with everyone else.

"Thank you for the food", we dug in and chatted about random things. We were on a good topic until SOMEONE had to ruin it. "Hey wait, is that Itachi's shirt?". Everyone stopped their conversations and looked from Itachi to me. Great. I began to blush. I nodded, avoiding their gazes. "Wow, who knew Itachi could be such a sweetheart," Zetsu said. "I wasn't going to let him sleep in the same outfit he'd been wearing for days. That's just not right". Itachi responded. "Good point. But still, out of all people I never would have expected you to be so nice" Hidan retorted. "Yeah. You're really mean to me. What's up with that?!" Deidara complained.

I laughed at their childishness. "Naruto is much younger than you. I would say he's not as strong as you, but I'm not sure" Itachi smirked. "Hey! He's not that much younger, un! And I could beat him any day" Deidara's face was red from yelling and his cheeks were puffed out in frustration. I snickered. I'm not trying to be cocky, but I'm pretty sure I would beat him if we fought. "What are you laughing at!" Deidara yelled. I put my arms up in defense. "Nothing, nothing". He crossed his arms. "Yeah, sure," he said not believing my lie.

We talked more and finished eating. Everyone left and I helped clean the dishes with Konan. "So it really is Itachi's shirt," She said wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed. "Don't make it weird" The dishes clanked together as I put them up. "Sorry. I hope you learn to be comfortable around us. We really mean you no harm so don't be afraid to be yourself. Ah ha-" she turned to me, "-why don't we get you some new clothes?" I hadn't really thought about it. The last time I got a new outfit was... I can't remember. "A wardrobe change might be nice. I don't have very much money though so I couldn't-" "No, no, no. I'll pay for it," Konan cut me off. She finished cleaning the last dish and grabbed my wrist. Suddenly I was yanked out of the kitchen and through more hallways.

We halted to a stop at Nagato's door and she burst it open. "We're going shopping. Bye!" and she ran back out. I was yanked forward with the force of five ninja ostriches. The surrounding was blurry with the speed of us running. "Won't you have to hide your identity?" I asked worried about her getting caught. She shook her head. "The people in this village don't mind us. We help them and they help us. It's a relatively peaceful little village," she spoke while pulling me into a small shop.

"Oh hello there Konan.-" an old lady with a purple kimono greeted her "-now who might this be? A boyfriend mayhaps?" I blushed at her statement. "No, no. Let me introduce you to the newest member of our group," she gestured towards me. I rubbed the back of my neck and bowed. "It's nice to meet you, miss-" I straightened up "-my name is Naruto". She smiled at me. "My what a sweet boy. Are they treating you well? I'm sure you've noticed how rowdy those boys of yours are," I laughed at the lady's statement. "Yes, ma'am. They're treating me very nicely"

Another woman wandered over having been listening to our conversation. "Now now Konan. What were you thinking letting this young gentleman stay with you guys" her brown hair was tied in a ponytail, slipping over her shoulder when she turned her head. "Everyone in the village knows their reputation," I tilted my head and looked at Konan. "Reputation?" Konan sighed. "They tend to make a scene and also destroy some things along the way" Konan looked as if she is remembering old war memories. "But-" she lifted her head up "-despite what you may think, a certain someone seems to have taken a like to him" she wiggled her eyebrows. Who is she talking about?

"Oooooh, I hear tea. Who is it?" The young lady from earlier spoke. "The most stone-cold person. You would never expect it" Konan said. I seriously have no clue who she's talking about. Oh, wait. I'm stupid. I blushed. "No, he didn't" I muttered "We just happen to be former acquaintances" The girls squealed. "Young man, I've heard that excuse more times than I can remember" the old lady pat my shoulder. "Wait, who are we talking about anyway?" Konan giggled at the brunette's question. "Itachi!" she exclaimed. They both looked shocked.

"Really!" They yelled. "You mean even Itachi has a soft spot?! You must be someone special blondie" the brown haired lady asked. I clapped my hands together in a prayer position. "Can you please quiet down?" My face probably looked like a tomato. "You know, we should start shopping for clothes. Sounds good right?" I was basically begging Konan at this point. She noticed my plead and intensely red face. "Ok, any ideas for him ladies?" the girls faces lit up. "Oh do we"

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