Chapter 14

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Sasuke, Gaara, and I had migrated to a less crowded area to discuss a few "issues". The cool night breeze blew through my thin clothes. I blushed as I remembered what I was wearing. It was quite awkward thinking about that fact that everybody saw me like this. Sasuke and Gaara finished their conversation and turned to me.

"Care to explain how you ended up here" Sasuke gestured towards the building.

I nodded with a sigh. After you left, a man came in, who I assumed was one of yours. He gave me a drink and I stupidly took it. Yes, I know, dumb move on my part"

Gaara shook his head. "You didn't know any better"

I laughed and lowered my head. "But I should. Anyways, I slowly began to fall into unconsciousness. Before I fully slipped, I saw someone walk towards us." I looked back up at them. "That's when I sent out the small wave of chakra to alert... you guys"

"And I assume you awoke to that room you were in" Sasuke inquired. I smiled sourly.

They thought about it, contemplating what to do with this information. Hearing that one of your "team members" willingly gave someone to the auction was shocking news. Even more so with the fact that it was a close friend.

We discussed more details about the auction and what happened, trying to milk as much information as we could. After everybody was finished with questioning, they prepared to set off. I was saying my goodbyes to everyone and planning to head back to the base when I was stopped by Sasuke.

"Are you going to be okay on your own?"

I nodded.


I nodded again.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Are you really sure your going to be-"

"Yes I'm fine!" I sighed. "I can take care of myself. I'm pretty strong." I smiled at him.

He laughed. "Not to be rude, but that kind of contradicts the situation you were just in"

I frowned and smacked him over the head. "I said I'm strong, not perfect"

We laughed for awhile before his face became serious once more. "You have a place to stay right? Your safe?"

"Yes, Sasuke. Trust me this once, okay"

He frowned. "I want to trust you, no, I do trust you. I just want to make sure you'll be okay. I care about your safety, so does everyone else back at the village"

I shook my head. He's a persistent one. "And I thank you for that, but I promise you I'm safe."

At this point Gaara had walked over. "We always have room in the village incase you need a place to stay." My mouth gaped open.

"You too, Gaara! Geeze, I'm fine. I promise."

They looked like they wanted to say something against it but stopped as a figure approached. They placed their hands near their weapons. I turned around to look at who it was.

A man with tall stature and long brown hair walked up to us. He smiled at me.

"I'm glad you're safe Naruto"

Gaara and Sasuke looked between me and the man. I stood still in confusion. It wasn't until I caught the faintest smell of his scent that I recognized him.

I chuckled. "You look ridiculous"

He frowned. "It's time to go back" He approached Sasuke and Gaara. I stood to the right of him as he spoke. "Thank you for all your help. His safety is thanks to you I presume?"

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