Chapter Two

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Our first day went pretty well, but it's the days after that sucks. I was glad that we had lunch with Johnny. We also had it with our brother and his friends Brian and Zacky. Johnny wanted to sit with them, but Brandy and I talked him out of it.

"God. I hate school." Brandy said tossing her bag in the floor.

I did the same.

"Lazy I swear." Jimmy said throwing his bag down and going into the kitchen.

I flipped him off and Brandy laughed at me.

Jimmy came out of the kitchen and tossed us sodas.

"Mom, I'm going to matts for band practice." Jimmy yelled as he started for the door.

"Take your sisters!" Mom yelled popping her head out of the dining room.

Jimmy growled, "really?!"

Brandy and I laughed and pushed Jimmy out the door.

"You love us Jimmy." I smiled as we walked down the road.

He shook his head, "you two are going to Michael and Johnny's."

"What?! Seriously?" I whined.

He glared at me and walked up to Michaels.

Johnny came to the door and Jimmy just left us with him as he went on to Matts.

"Where's he going?" Johnny asked as we started walking toward the park.

I rolled my eyes, "Matts. Band practice."

Brandy laughed and stole Johnny's cigarettes.

"Bitch." Johnny said snatching them back from her after she took one.

I shook my head.

"Let's go aggravate them." Johnny suggested.

I have him a funny looked, "why?"

"It would be fun! I'll out jam them." He laughed.

"Johnny you think your such a badass." I laughed.

He smiled proud, "I am a fucking badass."

"You can't spell bass with out ass." Brandy laughed.

Johnny lightly pushed her and ran down the side walk toward Matts house where Jimmy was at.

We chased Johnny all the way down the street to Matts house. When we got there Matts garage playing some crazy ass music.

"Sup guys." Johnny said as we walked in front of them.

Jimmy rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing Sewer?" Matt asked.

Johnny smirked, then lit the cigarette he had behind his ear and picked up a bass.

"You can't play that good." A guy with snake bites said.

I think his name was Zacky.

Johnny smirked and looked at a Jimmy.

Jimmy started up a beat and Johnny started jamming out with him.

I have to admit, it didn't sound horrible. It actually sounded pretty good. Specially after everyone else joined in. They did a Metallica cover.

"Wow that sounded, good." I said as they finished.

Matt looked at Johnny, "you still suck."

Johnny rolled his eyes and still fucked with the bass.

"Get Sewer and take him out of here." Brian said as he rolled around in a chair.

Brandy glared at him then sat on the desk next to Matt, "nope I think we'll stay."

"Brandy,please!" Jimmy begged.

She shook her head no.

"I give up." Jimmy said as he tossed his sticks and started in Matts house, "I'm getting a drink.

"I'll join you." Matt said following him.

"Grab us one!" Zacky yelled.

As they left, Zacky gave me a weird look.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him.

Brian jumped up and walked in front of me, "I got this."

"Johnny give me another cig." Brandy said walking over to Johnny.

Brian just stood there in front of me.

"What?" I asked.

He put his hands on the desk I was sitting on and got in my face, "if you leave with Johnny and Brandy, say, I come see you later at the park?"

I felt my skin melting.

"Cyndy!" Brandy yelled.

I looked pasted Brian at Brandy and Zacky shoved her against the wall.

I went to go after her, but Brian held me down.

"Guys.." Johnny sounded worried.

"Beat it Sewer." Brian snapped at him.

Johnny ran into the house.

"Why would I want to see you?" I asked Brian.

He just smirked at me.

"We'll have boos." Zacky told Brandy.

I shoved Brian off of me and Zacky backed off Brandy.

"Whatever." I said as we started out of the garage.

Matt and Jimmy came back out with some sodas.

"What did you do?" Jimmy asked Brian.

He looked at Johnny as he walked out the house, "nothing, right Johnny boy?"

Johnny didn't say anything just followed us and handed us a soda.

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