Chapter Nineteen

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-Senior Year-

*Synysters point of view.*

It was the middle of Cyndy's Senior year. I couldn't be happier for her. We were doing great. Going strong! It sucked being away from her while she was a school, but that just means, more time to focus on music. I kept thinking about the idea I told her, about giving music up and starting a life with her. I wanted to, I really did. I mean, we haven't toured since the first time. We've only played local shows, we have a short first album and an a mature video for it we made ourselves, but the more I thought about the fun I had on that tour, the more I wanted to bus harder. I had no idea what to do.

"Holy shit! Guys!" Matt yelled coming back in the garage.

I sat my guitar down and leaned back in the rolling chair.

"What is it?" Zacky asked, interested.

Tears seamed like they were about to burst out of Matts eyes.

"Dude." I said waiting.

He shook his head, "you won't believe the phone call I just got."

"What is it?" Val asked kind of worried.

"We have a tour." He said excited, "a full summer tour."

"What tour?!" We all yelled.

He took a deep breath, "warped tour."

All of us were wide eye'd and jaws dropped to the floor.

Matt Wint shook his head, "Shadz, I can't do it."

We all looked at him.

"I want to actually do something with my life. I have a job starting this summer at a factory, making a shit tone if money." He explained.

Shadz shook his head, "fine."

"No hard feelings?" Matt asked.

We all nodded our heads and hugged him.

Once we left, we all just sat there in amazement. I looked over at the lap too and realized Cyndy and Brandy would be here from school.

"Shit, Shadz." I said freaking out, "what am I going to tell Cyndy?"

"Ask her to come with us!" He said excited.

I shook my head, "warped tour dates are out, it starts two weeks before graduation. We have to leave the week before to catch it in Aarizon, she won't drop out that shot of graduation."

Matt thought about it, "wait to tell her."

I growled and just shook my head.

"What we you guys going to do for a bassist?" Val asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why not ask Johnny?" Zacky suggested, "he jams pretty good. Plus he knows all our songs."

"Ask Johnny what?" Johnny said walking in the garage.

I looked at him and he was Cyndyless.

"Where's my girlfriend?" I asked.

Johnny looked at me, "her and Brandy went to the house to change. They spilled stuff all over them in our last class, they said they will be here in like an hour."

I nodded my head.

"Seward, what would you say if we asked you to tour with us?" Shadz asked him.

He got a confused look on his face, "what about Wint?"

"He quiet." I said aggravated.

"what tour?" Johnny asked.

Matt looked at him for a second, "warped tour. You'd have to drop out."

"FUCK YEA!" Johnny said with out thinking.

I jumped up and pushed him against the wall, "you do not tell the girls understand? We will last minute okay?"

Johnny nodded his head.

I let him go and sat down.

"Hey what's going on?" Cyndy said walking in the garage with Brandy behind her.

I jumped up and kissed her.

"GUESS WHAT!" Johnny yelled.

I turned and glared at him.

Jimmy smacked him in the leg with a drum stick.

"What?" Brandy asked him as she sat next to Zacky.

Johnny glared at Jimmy rubbing his leg, "never mind."

*Cyndys point of view.*

Ever since we got back from school, Syn kept acting weird. I didn't like but I didn't let it bother me to much.

"Hey let's go to Johnny's" Zacky suggested, "I want to play some pool."

I looked at Brandy and she nodded her head in agreement.

"You wanna go?" Brian asked me.

"Sure." I smiled.

He kissed me the pulled me off the couch, "let's go!"

"Look out mother fuckers!" Jimmy yelled running pasted us as we started down the street toward Johnny's.

We walked in the bar and went to the little side room where the pool table was. I fell on one of the couches, Johnny sat next to him.

"Whatcha doing Seward?" I smiled a him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not good at pool. I'm sitting this one out."

I laughed and hugged his neck, "don't worry, me either."

He slightly laughed and got up. He walked over to Brian and started to whisper in his ear. Brain glanced at me then slightly slapped the back of his head. Johnny then sat on the couch on the other side of the pool table.

I rolled my eyes and just watched them play their first game. Brandy sat next to me and joined me.

Shortly, Brian and Zacky beat Jimmy and Matt.

"Fuck, I'm going to go get a soda." Matt said walking toward the bar.

Jimmy laughed, "I'm going to see about getting a beer."

Zacky pulled Brandy up off the couch, "you wanna play?"

"Fuck yea I do!" She said excited.

Brian looked at me and waved me over.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Play? Me and You vs Zacky and Brandy?" He suggested.

I nodded my head and grabbed a stick, "I suck though."

He kissed my cheek, "I'll reach you."

I shook my head and lean back on him as Zacky racked the balls, and Brandy broke.

Jimmy came back with a talk beer filled to the top. He took a sip from it and handed it to Brian.

I shook my head and took a shot, missing what I aimed for.

Jimmy laughed.

I flipped him off and leaned against the wall. Brandy leaned on the wall next to me.

"You guys want a beer?" Brian asked handed me the beer Jimmy gave him.

"Syn!" Zacky yelled, "your go."

Brian walked back over to the pool table as I took a sip then pasted it to Brandy.

"This is good, what kind is it?" Brandy asked Jimmy after she took a sip.

He shrugged his shoulders.

Brian finished his shot and propped his hand next to my head and smirked at me as he kissed me.

"Get a room." Brandy laughed, passing the beer to Zacky as she went for her shot.

I looked at Syn, "what did Johnny tell you? And why'd you slap him?"

Brian looked at Johnny sitting behind him talking to Matt then at me, "it was nothing, don't worry about it."

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