Chapter Fourteen

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Finally we got to the house and hung out into the living room. Syn decided he was going to break into our dad's liquor cabinet and get the bottle of Jack he had. Zacky stuck a mix tape that he made, in the radio.

"We'll get some cups." Brandy suggested as we went into the kitchen.

She reached up in the cabinet and I laughed.

"What?" She asked.

I shook my head, "party for four?"

She laughed, "more like two. Zacky wants to go in our room."

I growled, "where am I suppose to go?"

"Jimmy's room?" She suggested.

I violently shook my head, "not happening. I'll stick to the living room."

"Ew." Brandy laughed as we made out way back into the living room.

"Whats so funny?" Syn asked as I handed him a cup.

I shurgged my shoulders as he poured the cup half full of Jack.

He gave me a funny looked then sat on the couch.

"Give me!" Brandy said holding out a cup to Syn.

He laughed and poured her some as well.

I sat next to Syn and snatched his cup and drunk some of it.

The first song on the tape went off and it got quiet.

"Ugh, Zacky?" I laughed.

He shh'd me, "Wait."

We all waited.

An amazing guitat sound came on.

Syn jumped up and started jaming out with Zacky.

Brandy and I just sat and watched, laughing.

"Dont need nothing, but a good time!" I sang as I relized what song it was.

Syn snatched me off the couch and started to dance with me and throw me around.

Zacky just did a solo on the air guitar.

Syn stood behind me and place his hands on my hips as I slowled moved side to side head banging.

"Come on Brandy!" I demaned.

She grabbed the bottle of Jack and jumped on the table, then started singing along, "See I raise a tost to all of us, who are breaking out backs everyday. If wanting the good life is such a crime, lord then put me a way! Heres to ya!"

She raised the bottle of Jack up in the air.

I help mine up as well as Syn and Zacky.

We all downed our cups and Brandy almost finished off the bottle, but Zacky snatched it from her and placed it on the table. He picked her up and spun her around.

When the song went off, we all just landed on the couches, laughing.

Another song came on and I knew what it was. 'Wanted Dead or Alive.'

I smiled at Syn and started dancing. Brandy joined me and Zacky jumped next to Syn. They enjoyed watch just Brandy and I dance to the whole song. But once that one went off, Zacky snatched Brandys arm and ran off to our room.

"Well, shit." I laughed.

The next song came on and I felt Syn ran his hand up the side of my leg. I turned and looked at him. He jumped back and smirked at me. I shook my head and sat on his lap, looking him in the eye.

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