Chapter Four

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The next few days went by smoothly. We joined Jimmy, Zacky, and Brian at he table. Another girl started sitting with them the same day we did. Her name was Valery. Apparently she was Matts girlfriend. I liked her though, and it was nice not being the only girl besides Brandy hanging out with them.

Friday was here and we were in the last class of the day, Music Theory. And shockingly, all of us had it together. Matt, Brian, Zacky, Brandy, Jimmy, Johnny, Val, and Michael Sewer.

"I can't wait till tonight!" Jimmy said excited, "oh and if mom asked why I didn't come back with you guys, tell her Matt had to have a quick band get together out his house and I'll be back before they leave."

Brandy and I nodded our heads.

Zacky came back from the instrument room with a guitar in his hands and he started playing.

Matt was sitting at the piano playing something dark sounding. Val just gazed at him in amazement.

Brian rolled his eyes at the sight of them.

Jimmy was beating on his drum pad on the ground.

"Music is badass fuck." A random guy said coming into the music room.

Another guy that look similar to him came in behind me.

"No!" Brian said jumping up and hugging the two guys.

"Oh shit the Berry Boys are in music theory with us." Matt said excited.

Jimmy hugged one if them, "Brandy, Cyndy, this is Jason and Matt Berry.

I smiled at them and stole the piano from Matt.

"Dick." Matt called me.

I flipped him off and he went to get a guitar.

"You can play?" Brian asked me.

I started to something but Brandy answered for me.

"Fuck yea she can play!" She yelled.

Brian laughed, "let's here something."

I rolled my eyes and started to play a random Michael Jackson song.

"Shit that's your sister playing?" Zacky asked Jimmy.

Jimmy nodded his head, "hell yea."

I finished playing and the class clapped.

"If the piano was cool we'd add it to our band, but it's not." Matt laughed.

I flipped him off again.

After school ended, Jimmy ran off with Brian. Matt assured us they would be fine, that they've done this a million times. We were okay with it and went on our way home.

"How long do you think Jimmy will be gone?" Brandy asked me as we got the house.

I shurgged my shoulders, "but Brian told me to get music together while they were gone."

"Let's go raid Jimmy's albums." Brandy said as she ran off into Jimmy's room.

I followed her.

Once we raided Jimmy's albums, we came back into the livingroom. We had gotten his Metallica, Pantera, Ozzy Osborne, and Skid Row albums.

"What are you girls doing with your brothers music?" Mom asked coming from her room and sitting her bags down, "where is your brother?"

Brandy and I looked at each other then mom.

"Um, Matt wanted to go over band names with him and the guys. He'll be back any minute." Brandy told her.

Just after we said that Jimmy came in the door.

"Good we were about to leave." Mom said hugging him.

Dad picked up moms bags and took them to the car.

"You three be nice to each other." Mom said starting out he door, "no party's Jimmy's."

Jimmy up on our laps and smiled, "no party's. Got it."

Six pm rolled around and Jimmy's friends started to show up. First was Michael and Johnny. Then Matt and his girlfriend Valery. That's when Brandy and I decided to go get ready. Johnny followed us to our room.

"What are you getting ready for? It's just a bunch of girls drinking and watching music videos. Maybe some dirty movies if Brian brings them." Johnny said sitting on our bed.

Brandy have him a funny look and started going threw our closest.

I just sat in my bed across from Johnny.

Brandy grabbed something and went into the bathroom to change, then came out.

"How about this?" Brandy asked Johnny and I.

She had on a Pantera tank top and some leather short shorts.

Johnny nodded his head with a smirk.

Brandy flipped him off and went threw the closest again.

"Now what are you doing?" I asked her.

She smiled at me and tossed me some clothes, "Your going to put something badass on too. I see the way you look at Brian."

"Whatttt!!!" Johnny yelled.

"Hush Sewer." I said as I went to go change.

I came back out wearing My low cut Joan Jett shirt and black short shorts.

"Damn!" Brandy exclaimed excited.

Johnny shook his head, "I don't under stand."

"Do you have any eye liner on you?" Brandy asked him.

Johnny pulled a stick of eyeliner from his pocket and handed it to brandy.

She laughed, "your such a damn girl."

He flipped her off.

After Brandy finished her makeup, she done mine. Now we were ready and just in time, Jimmy was calling for is downstairs to make them all food. I was pretty excited, this was my first high school. As well as Johnny and Brandy's.

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