Chapter Twenty Four

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That next night, Brandy and I got all dressed up and ready. Ready to go see Avenged Sevenfold in Long Beach. We were both nerves. We didn't know if we were going to talk to them, let along be able to. It scared both of us.

We walked into the crowed venue and stood in the back. The opening band was playing when we got there. They were next though.

"Are you ready?" Brandy asked me.

I nodded my head and looked up at the stage as it got dark.

It didnt take but a minute for the lights to come back on and each person walk out one by one. First was Jimmy, then Johnny, following Zacky and Synyster. Lastly, Matt came running out. He looked so different. He was wearing sunglasses. I found it funny. I planned on teasing him about it if we talked to them after the show.

The first song, the first solo, Synyster hopped up on the platform and played his heart out. I could tell something was wrong with him. But he looked great. His hair was longer. He had a little beard going on and it made him extremely atterative. He was wearing a bandana, with a backwords hat on. IT was dorky, but I liked it. Zacky jumped next to him and started playing. Zacky had the bandana hat thing going on, but he also had one wrapped around his face like a robber. Johnny joined them and he looked so creepy it wasnt even funny. He had heavy amounts of eye liner. He looked like he was about to kill someone. I liked it.

When they show was over, we looked around trying to find them, but we couldnt and had to leave as the venue was closing.

"Could they have went to Johnny's bar?" Brandy asked.

I nodded my head, "They more then likely are there."

We piled into my car and rushed over to the bar. It was busy, more then normal, so I was hopping they were really there.

"Are you ready?" I asked Brandy as we got out of the car.

She nodded her head an we went inside.

I looked around and spotted them by the pool table in the side room. The last place we hung out when we went out together.

"There," I said pointing to them as I pulled Brandy toward that way.

She stopped right before we got up to them.

"What is it?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "I cant. I cant face him."

"Brandy? Cyndy?" I herd a voice say.

I turned around and it was Matt. He was walking back toward the group of boys from the bar.

"Matt!" I smiled as he hugged me.

"God, its been a while, two years almost?" He said looking at both of us after he hugged Brandy.

I nodded my head, "It has been long. We actually caught your show tonight."

"Really?" Matt asked shocked, "Have you herd the new stuff?"

I looked at Brandy, then back at Matt, "Some what. You know, we saw the interview you guys did on MTV last night."

"I take it you girls want to talk to Syn and Zacky?" He asked.

I nodded my head, "But im nerves."

"Dont be. I'll go get Jimmy first real fast, he's been wanting to see you guys, stay here." Matt said as he went to get Jimmy.

I looked at Brandy and she looked as if she was about to jump out of her skin.

I watched as Matt whispered in Jimmys ear.

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