Chapter Twelve

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Saturday rolled around and it was the day of prom. Brandy and I went over to Val's to get ready. I was excited and some what nerves, cause I don't know what was going on with us and the guys. Every time that brought up dropping out, we left the room, and lately, that's all they would talk about.

"Val you wanna curl my hair?" I asked her.

Smiled, "of course. Sit, let me finish my makeup and I'll do it."

I sat down and waited for her to do my hair. I couldnt help but feel knots in my stomach and I wasnt sure why. I knew Brian and I have been together for a little while and even been to  a dance before, but it had to have been something else.

"Cyndy." Brandy said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I quickly looked at her.

"Whats wrong?" She asked.

I shurgged my shoulders, "I dont know what it is, but I got this sick twisted feeling in my stomach."

"I do too." She told me.

Val slightly laughed, "You have nothing to worry about."

I sighed and shurgged the thought of it off.

Shortly after getting ready and just getting into our dresses, there was a knock at the door. Brandy and I looked at each other slightly worried as Val got up to answer the door. She came back with a smile on her face as all the boys walked in behind her.

Brandy and I both jumped up, showing off our dresses.

Zacky and Syn had stun looks on their faces. Jimmy looked as if he was about to cry. Matt was smiling and hugged Val tight.

"My god damn sisters, dont look like my sister," Jimmy said histarical.

Zacky walked up to Brandy and looked in her eyes, "You look amazing."

I saw her face turn red.

"Im sorry we havent been doing good lately, but I'm making that up to you tonight." He told her, hugging her.

It was sweet.

I looked over at Brian and he was looking at me, but quickly looked at the ground when I saw him.

"Come on, we have a prom to get to!" Leana annoced, grabbing Jimmys hand and running off to the limbo.

Matt and Val followed with Zacky and Brandy shortly behind them.

I just stood there looked at Brian as he watched them all walk out the door.

"Lets go." I said quietly as I started to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm.

I turne and looked at him, he looked upset.

"Cyndy, Im sorry." He said looking me in the eye and pulling me closer to him, "I know we've had it rough lately with the whole desion, and Im extremely sorry. It just, I dont know how to say it."

"Syn?" I asked, begging him to spell.

He shook his head, "Brian, please."

I nodded my head, "Tell me."

"I love you. I do. Thats it, thats why its eatting me leaving and fighting, I dont like it. Im scared. Scared to loose you." He told me.

I placed my hands on his face and kissed him, "Its going to be okay, we will figure something out."

He had a slighty aggervated look, but he managed to smile.

"Come on!" Matt yelled running back in the house.

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