Chapter Six

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The rest of the weekend, Brandy and I stayed home, while Jimmy went over to Matts with everyone else. All day we would talk about Zacky and Brian. It was pretty fucking crazy. She started to get feelings for Zacky and I know I was for Brian, but I wasn't about to let that happen. He was a bad boy, and nothing good came of a bad boy.

That Monday was the next time both of us saw Zacky and Brian. Well, not until lunch, cause apperently them and the Berrys got drunk the night before and was too hung over to come in on time.

"Dude, why didn't you guys come over to Matts at all last weekend?" Johnny asked us as we started to lunch.

Brandy and I shrugged our shoulders.

"Didn't feel like it?" Brandy said, "plus Jimmy was not gunna let us."

Johnny shook his head and we got in line.

"Hello ladies." Brian said jumping in front of us.

Jimmy walked up and propped his arm on Brian's shoulder.

"What?" Johnny asked them.

Jimmy smacked Johnny's empty tray to the floor, "that's for liking my sisters."

Johnny growled and picked up his tray.

Brandy and I laughed.

"See you at the table." Jimmy said as he left.

Brian had a weird look on his face.

"What's the matter Haner?" I laughed.

He walked up closer to me and kissed the too of my neck.

I pushed him off.

He laughed, then went to find Jimmy.

"Don't let him use you." Johnny told me.

I shook my head, "I won't."

We got our food and walked to the table Jimmy was sitting at with Brian.

Brian shot me a smirk as I sat across from him.

Zacky came running into the lunch room and sat next to Brian.

"What?" Jimmy said eatting his food.

Zacky caught his breath, "Running from Val."

"Why?" Brandy asked.

Zacky laughed, "I fucked her hair up."

Brandy rolled her eyes.

I just laughed.

Val came stomping into the lunch room and smacked Zacky on the back of the head, then sat next to him.

"I swear." Jimmy laughed.

Val shook her head, "Did you guys here about the dance this weekend?"

"Dance?" Brian asked, "What dance?"

Val nodded her head, "Matts taking me. Are you guys going to go?"

Jimmy nodded his head, "I'll take Leana."

Brian looked at me then his food, "I might go."

"I wanna go." Brandy said glancing at Zacky, then Jimmy.

Jimmy growled, "Fine you can come with us."

"Lets go dude." Zacky told Brian, "I think it will be fun."

Brian looked at Jimmy, "Can we crash at your place after?"

Jimmy smirked, "Sure, but Im bringing Leane back, you'll be stuck with Cyndy and Brandy."

"Fine by me." Zacky laughed, "Their cool."

"We'll eat pizza and watch movies." I suggested.

Brian and Zacky laughed as Jimmy rolled his eyes.

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