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Hana's POV

Pulling the duvet up my head I whined curling my body together, since the sharp vivid sun rays were hitting my eyes vigorously thus I figured out someone was in my room this early.

"Hana! Get up!" A high pitched voice continued to repeat twice before I felt someone pat my shoulder softly, in order to wake me up, but I was so deep asleep that I couldn't gather myself up and wake up or even respond to anything Eomma was saying right now.

"Mom please just two more minutes~!" Whining like a middle school kid, I begged my pretty Eomma who stood beside my bed, continuously nagging over something.

"Get up Hana you are going to get late! It is the first day of your job!" And there came another high pitched rant,

"Mom please I want to sleep! I already got fired what are you talking about" My lazy eyes were shut as I forced those sleep deprived words out through my tongue.

"Dumbass! First day at the JYPE, did you forget" A sudden feeling of realization crossed my mind as I opened my squinted eyes and my previously shut down brain began to process something which seemed really important but it felt I was kind of forgetting it.

"Oh no! Shit!!" The bed creaked when I jumped and sat straight, grabbing my phone quickly as I checked what time was it. Eyes wide, hair messy and untidy as I registered it was already 10:57 am and I had to visit JYPE at 12. I let out a groan knowing there was no way I could get ready in an hour when I have literally nothing ready for today.

"Eomma! Why didn't you wake me up early!!" I cried looking up at my mom who couldn't do anything but let out a scoff.

"Hun I have been trying to wake you up from last half an hour" A sarcastic grin at the end as I hurriedly got up from the bed and rushed towards the washroom.

"I am late! Definitely late!" Muttering to myself I speeded towards the washroom when suddenly in process I got my foot in tangled with the blanket and little did I know I would land on the floor with in the matter of next few seconds.

"Ouch!!" I whined as I suddenly heard mom approaching me low key scolding me for still being as clumsy as a high schooler. I could see she was trying her best to suppress in her laugh, wow seems like she's having fun watching me suffer!


After I had completed showering, I quickly dressed up, choosing a white satin top with formal black satin pants. Quickly did some very neutral makeup and let my hair air dry in the mean while. My hair had also dried as I quickly straighten them and put on my watch and shoes, got my hand bag and sprayed some of my favorite scent on, before hurriedly rushing out of my room which seemed no less than a mess right now, but I just didn't have the time to clean up either, since it was already 11:45 and I couldn't get late today.

Eomma forced me to have something to eat before leaving but I instead gave a bright red apple the priority and took Dad's car keys, he insisted to drop but I preferred driving myself since I am an in depended woman you know.

I hugged mom and dad as they wished me good luck for today before I ran out of the house fences and got into the car, starting the engine and quickly driving off for JYPE, somewhat in thrilled too, come on bro I will be seeing many of my favorite JYP artist!


"Anneyoghaseo~" I bowed at the same receptionist from before as she did the same carrying a balm smile on her lips, getting up from her seat she told me to follow her to the manager's office. I nodded nicely before following her to the manager's office, examining the corridors and other areas in my way there and I must appreciate the effort they have put in this building, it truly is artsy and classy.

My heart was thumbing against my chest because I couldn't even imagine I would ever come in here but now I am going to work here as an employee, well thinking of it, it isn't less than a dream since I will be working with the people I idolize and cherish a lot, well lets exclude a few...

We arrived outside manager's office as the receptionist knocked onto the door before opening it and the two of us got in. I saw a male in there that I already knew was the manager of Stray kids as he got up from his seat and noticed my presence. The two of us had polite smiles as we bowed to each other, it seemed like they were already told about me in advance.

I introduced myself to Manager-nim shortly as he did the same, he offered me the seat and I submitted my documents to him, shortly he took a small interview which I think I had passed since he seemed kind of satisfied with me too. After that he just handed over a small booklet to me which had the dos and don'ts of JYPE, I smiled at him and thanked him as he walked me to the CEOs office where I met JYP as well.

I felt really light headed since it all went really cool, the manager was so nice and JYP himself was being too nice with me too, so I didn't feel so awkward or uneasy there... well thank god the introduction to the staff went by really nice. They told me to join from tomorrow as today they just clarified a few thinks to me and taught me what the actual thing is.


I was in the car just about to drive back to my place when suddenly something vibrated on my thigh; I lowered my gaze and picked up my phone which was ringing right now.

'Kim Areum' the caller's ID was displayed. A smile stretched my lips apart, knowing it was my best friend I quickly received the call placing the slim gadget on my ear, ready to hear her scream, since the two of us stanned kpop together years back, and most of those groups were from JYPE, plus she was so excited about me working here as well, so of course I am ready for those high pitched screams.

"Oh my god Hana how did it go~!!!" I couldn't help but chuckle, her high pitched squeals were so funny.

"It went well Areum, relax man" I laughed at how excited and in thrilled she was.

"Really?! That's so great! I was so scared that you don't mess up, but great you didn't" She giggled as I chuckled along, "Yeah... will join from tomorrow, lets hope it goes well" I spoke in a rather sensible tone.

"Don't worry, you will do it. Also Hana if you see my Jinyoung, just tell him I love him so damn much!" And there came another fan girl squeal which made me laugh once again,

"Haw Areum, come on he is almost the age of you father, how can I tell him this" I teased her though I knew she wasn't talking about the CEO.

"Yah idiot I am talking about my Park Jinyoung of Got7!!" chuckles and giggles again engulfed us as I nodded my head, my other hand on the staring wheel,

"Okay Areum I will call you when I get back home, I have to drive back home right now," words made there way out from my lips as I started the car engine. The latter understood as we both exchanged byes before I hung up and finally drove back home.

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