44. DAD

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Author's POV

Already ten minutes into the drive and no one had the guts to speak up. Hana having a grumpy face and lips puckered out, silently staring out of the window, not wanting to initiate any talk at all. Hyunjin being the braver one here, heaved out a sigh pulling the brakes of the car in the middle of nowhere.

The abrupt stop of the car made the girl look at the front and then at the boy beside her with dazed eyes.

"I am sorry..." Blinking the girl averted her gaze away from Hyunjin to again at the window, the guy sighed again looking down, turning towards Hana carrying a gentle truly guilty look all over his face, repentance clear in his orbs.

"I literally don't know what else to say, I don't even think I deserve to speak to you right now... But just know that I am truly sorry... for not listening to you, for not trusting you, for hurting you, for making you cry... For being a jerk again, just for everything... I am sorry" Words smoothly flowing out of his lips with a breathy sigh at the end, Hyunjin's head hung low as he felt awful at the moment,

The girl breathed out turning her head in his direction, carrying the same stern look on her face. This tone, face and that guilty kid like eyes of his were her weakness.

"I know I don't deserve your acceptance, I don't deserve to be forgiven and I don't even deserve you but I am just too incomplete without you in my life" A small scoff left the girl's lips as she smiled looking to the other side, now he was being too cute for her heart.

"Hana I know you don't want to be with me an-"

"Okay okay calm down Hyunjin..." She smiled facing him with a small smile, she honestly wanted to throw a fit at him for being so insensitive to her earlier and make an even bigger mess out of it by showing him her tantrum, but knowing a baby her boyfriend was, she just didn't want Hyunjin to suffer anymore, plus those words melted her heart faster than an ice cream in extreme summers of Seoul.

"Will you forgive me?" He asked with puppy dog eyes making the girl smile even wider, urgh why was he like that. She sighed hmming to his question, making those shiny orbs grow wider,

"You will forgive me?!" Hyunjin somewhat yelled with truly taken aback eyes since he hadn't expected that, but maybe the girl just loved him too much to keep him pleading forever now.

"Of course Hyunjin..." She awwed at how cute he looked as she placed a hand on his jaw, making him smile and lightly rest his head against her hand,

"I forgive you Hyunjin, I just want you to always have faith and trust in me..." Hana spoke softly caressing his cheek, Hyunjin's eyes shined a film of wet tears glossing his orbs up as he just frowned a bit feeling like he was such a bad guy to deserve just a sweet heart. Hyunjin blinked those tears away gulping as the girl cooed at how adorably squishy he looked. She pinched his cheeks before the two immediately hugged each other. Inhaling in his soothing scent she felt like her world was back at peace, and hugging her small body, he felt like his world had come back at its place too.


Hana giggled at some random thing Hyunjin just said, probably updating her about mission Changjin to make Lix jealous, as the couple held each other's hands walking towards the door, smiling and chuckling to each other, finally everything feeling breathable after a small span which therefore felt like forever!

Hyunjin pressed in the pin opening the door to the dorm as they two walked in chit chatting. Their heads turned towards the group of 7 who stared at the two with wide eyes looking as if they had just seen a ghost out of a horror movie, their lips parted as they looked at them two together smiling and giggling, before comprehending finally the situation.

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