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Author's POV

"L-Lets stop what?" The boy looked at Hana with quivering eyes, a weird feeling squeezing his heart as he stuttered at his own words. His hands getting cold in her warm ones and they feel to the sides when the girl looked at him with dry eyes containing no apparent emotion of love in them which she always carried in them before.

"Lets end this Hyunjin" Her voice was so small and cracking that the named boy felt more nervous and timid due to that, breathing was getting hard for the girl since she couldn't keep looking at him now, and if she talked more, she would come crashing down.

Hyunjin stepped back a bit, his head spinning due to those words, she was her world and he couldn't let go of her like that. His inside screaming for him to run away because he just didn't want to hear the next part.

"Hyunjin lets break up~!" Hana yelled, her voice cracking as tear gushed out of her eyes like a river stream, her features scrunched together and she just lost control over her emotions now. Emotions flooded out of her in the form of wet salty tears as she placed a hand on her face, deep breathy sobs leaving her lips.

"Lets end this here Hyunjin!" She wobbled each and every cell in her body paining due to how pathetic she felt at heart right now, those eyes just poured tears out and she couldn't help but let out loud whimpers from not lips. Her legs weaken and she collapsed down on the floor, her lungs hurting due to how hard she cried.

And looking at her like that was Hyunjin's nightmare. His eyes widen and he felt numb at heart, the impact was so huge that he couldn't feel any emotion right now, his hands trembled and he just felt like the most pathetic person on this planet at the moment.

"H-Hana" He whispered, eyes watering up with that name leaving his full lips, his features twisted into a hurt expression and he unknowingly reciprocated the expression casted over Hana's face.

"I-I can't take this Hyunjin! I d-don't want to make it har- harder for you" At the moment her breathing was so unstable that she couldn't speak due to the sniffs in between, her face dug in her hands. The girl suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapping around her petite frame, making her cry even more.

"No Hyunjin please go away!" She panicked in that state of mind when she was just too over whelmed with every emotion, she lightly tried to push her boyfriend away but the latter had his arms tight around her, she began hitting him on his shoulders, weeping even more, she just feared to lose this embrace, but she didn't want to ruin his life either.

"Shush, I am here with you" Hyunjin whispered near her ear in a low soothing tone, caressing her back softly, trying to calm her down as she just howled in his embrace. Hana gave in as she tightly wrapped her arms around his neck, crying in his neck.

"Hyunjin I don't want to make it harder for you, I love you I want you to be happy! What if I end up messing things up for you! What if I ruin everything! Hyunjin I don't want you to live like that, and if its the case in future, than lets break away right now" Her voice getting shriller and smaller with every next line that she spoke and began sobbing at the last phrase because just the thought of being away from him made her heart ache so bad that tears automatically over flowed down her cheeks,

Hyunjin gulped as her words were a clear reflection of how badly his dad's word' hurt her and how much sensitive she was about Hyunjin, he felt tears gathering in his eyes again and he let them flow as he hugged her tighter, rubbing her back in a comforting way,

"Shh don't say that, you are my world, you are my entire life, you are the one who always makes me feel happy, blessed and live life like I should. Hana you are the reason for my genuine smile after quite a long time, your arms feel like my safe place, how can you say that you would harm me in any way, when you yourself are the sunshine of my life hm?" Hyunjin's words awfully soft and gentle, feeling an extremely devastating yet over powering feeling flowing in his heart, he just couldn't portray in words, how much she meant to him.

"You are my everything Hana... I love you the most, in a short time you have changed me so much positively that I can't believe it myself... please don't cry, I can't bare you crying like this, I feel like a pathetic looser right now" His voice cracked a bit and from his tone it was clear that he had been crying along with her too. Hana gulped sniffing as she breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm down and stop crying.

The boy kissed her head and she finally relaxed in his embrace, his shoulder drenched in her tears. They were still in the same position she didn't want to pull away from his comforting and restful embrace, she had cried her eyes out and he was there for her to listen to her, comfort her and wipe her tears away.

Hyunjin himself had been through that a lot of times and he knew how weak and bad it felt, so he just hugged her and stayed there with her to sooth her down, to comfort her and say good positive things to her.

Yeah it was true that after his mom passed away it was a huge blow for him and recollecting himself was really hard, so once he had done that, he just didn't want to lose in front of his dad or fall down all over again, he had his people around him now, he was strong, and strong enough to not let go of anyone else in his life now, specially someone so important like Hana.

He learnt how to live life happily, he knew how to smile and that was all possible because of his friends, Hana and the positive people around him, he just wouldn't ruin his life for someone so low like his dad and now he would never ever let him ruin his life either.

Hyunjin sighed as he heard the girl breathing peacefully in his neck, he gently pulled away and looked at her. Hana had a grumpy face as she looked down her eyes puffy and red, lips dry and cheeks tear stained. The boy himself didn't know he would melt this bad looking at her cute face right now, he uwued smiling at her lovingly, Hana just moved in and snuggled in his chest again, not in the mood to let go anytime soon.

"Promise me Hana, you will never say that again..." Hyunjin whispered caressing the girl's cheek as her head was on his shoulder, the latter didn't respond for a second but nodded anyways. Hyunjin turned his head a hit, placing a kiss on her forehead lovingly. The boy got up from the floor his hands on Hana's waist as they stayed in the bed for a while, cuddling and feeling peaceful in each other's arms.

Hyunjin would occasionally crack some joke or tell her some funny stories which happened around him lately just to lighten up her mood and of course the girl couldn't stand his humor, she also ended up giggling and chuckling.

Hana was just too frightened by the daunting and terrifying words Hyunjin' dad said to her, the feeling that what if she ended up making Hyunjin miserable just killed her inside, though deep down she never wanted to let go of him and clung onto him forever but if that would harm him in some way, than it was a better option to get separated in her view. She would always want to be like his moon, making his nights bright, his glimmering stars to light up his dull sky, she wanted to give him the best of her.

She did know Hyunjin had moved on and had a wider view about stuff but she still wanted to love him the most and give him the happiness he deserved, and if that wasn't the case than it was okay for her to sacrifice her love for the sake of his life.


Rain poured down, thunder's cracked around the sky, lightening would lit up the dark murky of night occasionally, the girl sitting in her desk let out a bitter chuckle, it reminded her of the night she stayed at Hyunjin's place, their time that they had together, it was such a nice feeling.

She sighed staring out of the window though nothing was visible, only the blurry vision and the rain drops rolling down the clear window could be seen, she let out a deep sigh, her heart hurting but maybe there was no other way,

Don't break down Hana, stay stead fast it is okay...

It looked like she was contemplating over something from a long time, debating with herself about something but as conclusion another sigh flowed out of her parted lips and she shook her head, it was hard but she had to do this.

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