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[Long Chapter, but don't skip any detail, its full of events]

Author's POV

Five and a half months had passed, the upcoming week would count as the sixth month since Hana had been carrying their little one, and she had already taken her leave from the company as well, spending all her time at home with Hyunjin. In this entire time span, she had physically and emotionally been through a lot. First she would sometimes get really bad morning sickness followed by immense throwing up, and secondly those horrible mood swings made things worse for her.

She would randomly began laughing so hard over nothing that she would end up crying for hours than. When Hyunjin would go to get a glass of water for her, she would be laughing and chuckling and when he would return, she would've flooded the place with her tears.

Sometimes she would suddenly get so upset over something or just get too pissed off at little things, and sometimes would out of nowhere start getting soft and cuddly. Well it did surprise them two and especially Hyunjin, it was actually hard to sometimes handle her, but still being an awfully caring and loving husband, he would always be there with her, ready to listen to her rant, ready to laugh with her, ready to wipe her tears away, in fact ready to get hit by her too.

And all this time had brought the two way closer as well, to the extend Hana fallen in love with the feeling of having another being growing inside of her.

Right now it was almost two at night and the girl wasn't sleepy at all, the room was dark and silent since the boy beside her was sleeping soundly. Huffing she sat up straight, ruffling her hair in frustration because she wasn't at all sleepy and it was getting to late.

Hearing a sudden growl, she got the answer to her question since she was wondering why wasn't she sleepy at all, and finally got the answer that she was hungry, and specifically craved for ice cream.

Taking careful steps down the carpeted staircase, the girl made her way towards the kitchen through the dead silent halls. The yellowish light from the fridge illuminated the dark kitchen as the girl carefully bent down a bit, her eyes keenly going through the stuff inside the refrigerator.

"No~ I want ice cream!" Letting out a whine through a whisper she frowned, getting to know there was no such junk inside there because she had already had a tub of chocolate ice cream in the morning, the very last tub.

With a grumpy face, Hana dragged her feet upstairs again, occasionally cursing under her breathe like a little spoiled brat. She opened the door to the bedroom again, looking at Hyunjin peacefully sleeping in his place, enjoying his heavenly slumber. He looked so restful sleeping there, but did it matter? Absolutely not when she was craving for ice creams :)

"Yah Hyunjin-ah" letting out a lethargic sigh, she sat beside him on the edge of the bed, already tired by just a bit of exercise, softly shaking him by his shoulder, switching on the lamp from his side too in order to wake him up but the latter was too deep asleep to even bulge.

"Hyunjin~ baby get up~!" She whined again, shaking him by his shoulder and leaning against him. The boy shifted a bit letting out a hum in response, flinching a bit.

"Yah Hwang Hyunjin get up!!" This time Hana yelled stomping her foot on the floor, but sad for her, he was a heavy sleeper to react to her at the moment, in fact sometimes the members said they had to check his breathing to reassure that he was sleeping and not dying because no matter what Hyunjin would never ever get up from his sleep, unless you do something too loud to irritate his slumber. A sudden idea popped in the girl's head as an evil sly smile spread across her lips, though she somewhat was feeling guilty already.

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