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Author's POV

"Hey Hana look we literally have a ten day vacation, why don't we both go out together somewhere?" Hyunjin who chimed from the other side of the phone spoke excitedly, laying flat on his stomach on the bed, the girl on the other side hmmed in response standing in her balcony, leaning an arm against the railing and the other hand held the phone on her ear.

"Yeah sure why not! You guys would be totally free for a while so that is a good idea" The girl beamed, satisfied with his idea.

"Yeah right but where~!"The boy cooed in response a pout pressing his lips together,

"Somewhere interesting and romantic like Paris, but no last holidays I went to Paris and you have been there multiple times too so not there.... What do you say about New York?!" A small squeal left the girl's lips as she thought of somewhere she always wanted to go with her significant other, Hyunjin on the other side thrilled up to her words too.

"That is actually a good idea!" He agreed excitedly jumping up from his position and sitting up on the bed,

"But Jin! My parents won't allow me to go to New York and especially all alone with you!" Hana cried realizing about her parents and the fact her dad was so in love with this guy she was planning a trip with,

"Yah Hana, don't worry I have my plans, I will come to your place tomorrow, to talk to your parents, just chill you will see Hwang Hyunjin's magic soon" Being the bragging king Hyunjin was, he stated confidently with a hint of narcism apparent in his tone, the girl chuckled shaking her head at his tone and words knowing he was being cheeky again.

"Okay okay let's see, and yeah I have to go now before dad finds out since i have been on call with you from past one hour, so yeah talk to you later!" Hana beamed happily bidding him goodbye.

"Okay~! Take care see you!" And with soft tender words the two hung up their phones smiling to themselves.

Heaving in a deep sigh, the girl looked up at the small crescent with a balm smile spread across her lips the air was getting warmer day after day and the nights got so peaceful and warm too.

She turned around to walk in to her room, but suddenly felt each and every fiber she possessed to jolt up due to the shock. Hana's eyes widen and lips slightly parted when she saw her father standing in front of her with his arms crossed, firstly scaring her by standing so close to her without any sound and secondly scaring her thinking he had probably heard her on call with none other than Hwang Hyunjin!

"Who was that on the call?" Mr. Kim quizzed looking at his daughter plainly, the girl blinked a few times, breathing again as she felt confusion filling her head up, feeling like she was so dead now.

"O-Oh that, A-Areum Areum" she stuttered awkwardly laughing and scratching her nape. The latter just scrunched his brows together tilting his to the side as he slowly pulled his hand out in front of her.

"Your phone?" Hana's eyes widen as she looked at the empty palm and then up at her dad with a dead plain look all over her face, knowing she was so doomed now. She hesitantly put her phone in his palm scrunching her features together,

God save me!

Before her dad could do something with the phone, the petite gadget in his hand vibrated, the screen lit up and the call ring tone rang, causing both daughter and father to look down on the screen which faced them.

Hwang Hyunjean<3 calling...

Maybe this was the first time Hana had silently cursed so much under her breathe as she shut her eyes tight, well now she was dead for sure! Why did he have to call now.

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