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Author's POV

The couple walked onto the side path hands in hands. Though it was quite sunny today in the noon, but the wind was still chilly. Hyunjin clenched his hand around the girl's as he would occasionally rub it and blow it to warm it up, his little actions making the girl's heart flutter like crazy again.

"What are you even doing, stop that" The girl let out a breathy chuckle looking to the other directions, her cheeks dusted a shade of soft pink. Hyunjin turned his head in her direction, her hand still interlocked with his own hand as he stuffed them into the pocket of his jacket.

"Come on you aren't even pulling away" The boy let out a cute giggle with a hint of sarcasm causing the girl to shake her head from left to right. Hana's eyes registered an ice cream parlor in proximity making her squeal a bit.

"Yay! We are finally here! come on lets go" She dragged her boyfriend towards the little shop excitedly.

The couple ordered the ice creams and decided to have the table near the window at the back. They waited for a while before their icy treat approached them. Hyunjin had of course ordered Mint and dark chocolate combo and Hana choose a strawberry and vanilla one this time. They enjoyed their ice creams, chit chatting about random stuff, chuckling and giggling occasionally. The girl enjoyed Hyunjin's company as he was so funny and humorous that she felt so energetic and happy around him.

The two made fun of Felix' little pouty and grumpy face when Changbin would cling around Hyunjin and how the latter would feel jealous of Changjin. Once they finished eating, Hana paid since it was her treat and the pair walked out of there again. The sky was painted a shade of navy blue and purple, shimmery little star spread around from horizon to horizon glimmering up the dark colored sky making the view awfully ethereal and breath taking.

Since the duo didn't feel like returning back home already, they decided to spend some more time together and walked towards the park they were passing by. Luckily there were hardly people seen around and the ones who were there, were far far away, giving privacy to the couple.

Hyunjin let out a sigh, breathing in the refreshing scent of nature as the two sat down on the short soft grass. The boy placed his head on Hana's lap removing his cap and mask, putting them aside. The girl smiled at him, gently moving her hand in his soft hair, the scent relaxing them as the boy had his eyes closed, enjoying the moment. Hana strolled her hand around his hair softly as she looked up at the sky which seemed so peaceful and beautiful.

"The sky is so beautiful today..." Her words coated in awe and admiration, causing the boy to slowly open his eyes too, staring straight at the dark sky with a subtle smile on his lips.

"What are you staring at?" Hana questioned softly, looking down at him as his eyes were fixated onto the sky.

"My Mom..." His voice was barely above a whisper as he carried that smile on his lips which was calm and peaceful, yet sad at some point. Hana's brow' scrunched in confusion.

"What do you mean...?" She asked out a bit hesitantly, the boy looked at her from the sky as he got up and sat up straight, tilting his head in her direction.

"My mother passed away..." His voice fragile as he spoke out in a tender tone. The girl's eyes widen as she felt her heart skipping a beat, feeling immense guilt washing over her.

"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't know" She apologized immediately as the latter shook his head lightly,

"I have a step mom though" And with all those words his voice began getting weaker and more fragile with every next thing he said, Hana's eyes reflecting how helpless and sad she felt for Hyunjin right now.

"M-My mom passed away three years back" Hyunjin's voice cracked as he gulped, his eyes shining as the girl in front felt her heart aching, she pressed her lips together letting out a small sigh,

"I always wanted to tell you this, I always wanted to reason out why am I such a jerk to everyone... Maybe the reason is that I lost my mother and my dad remarried. Remarrying right after a week itself was so shocking to me, but the fact that his new wife was my only aunt, my mother's only sister, just left a deep scar on my heart..." Hyunjin breathed out recalling the past again,

"I do have a step mom, but whats the reason of have another mom when she doesn't even love me? when she doesn't even feel like a mom... M-My life is way too unpredictable, mom died, dad left, no siblings to rely upon, I literally don't have anyone to depend upon..." The boy's words reflecting the pain and his broken heart from inside, making the girl in front feel like crying too. His gulped turning his head to the other side, but Hana saw a tear roll down his cheek, her own eyes filling up with tears, she just wanted to give him all the happiness and love he deserved.

"I-Its kind of hard to live n-"And she couldn't take it anymore, the girl inched closer to Hyunjin wrapping her arms around his neck,

"Shush, you have me now," Her own voice trembling as she hugged her boyfriend pulling him closer, the boy wrapped his arms around her waist, his face dug in the crook of her neck as Hana rubbed his back and patted his head lightly,

"You have me to love you and always be there for you" She kissed his cheek, still in the hug as he nodded his head in her neck, the girl wondering how amazing he was at concealing his feelings like this before. They pulled away as Hana cupped his face smiling at Hyunjin lovingly,

"Please don't ever leave me Hana... I don't want to lose another precious person in my life..." Hyunjin extended a sigh looking down sadly as the girl felt so overwhelmed at how adorable he was, She pouted at his words which made her heart melt so bad.

"I will never leave you, you idiot" She made him look at her as he smiled back, the girl gave him a peck on his lips to brighten up the mood. The both of them stayed there for a while, talking about funny and happy moments of life, they look some pictures together, though it was dark but the phone' flash worked quite fine. Soon the couple walked back home, hand in hand, sharing ear phones as they played one of their favorite song on Hyunjin's phone, and walked back home in silence, never forgetting ice creams for Changlix though.

The day was quite special for both of them, it was the first time Hyunjin had pulled himself together and spoke up in front of someone, and the fact he already trusted Hana so much, made the girl simply adore him more, she made sure she always loved him and gave him the peace and happiness he deserved hence she promised herself to be the best girlfriend to him and never let him cry again, not even let him shed a tear, and if it ever happened, it would just break her down.

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