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Hana's POV

I was busy chatting with Areum in the meanwhile to kill some time, when suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me, causing my head to turn in their direction in excitement and anticipation.

My smile faded as I got up from the couch to see a man in his mid or late forties walking in direction, dressed in a decent suit and carrying a weird mischievous grin or more like a smirk on his face, and by the overall look I guessed it was Hyunjin's dad.

Since I already knew about him I got a bit uneasy with his presence but did bow at him once he had come close enough to do so. My face plain and expressionless and it was obvious I just wanted Hyunjin to be here as soon as possible.

"Ms. Hana Kim right?" He questioned boldly, his tone calm yet the smirk on his face never decided to fade any time soon.

"Yeah....you?" I asked back nicely,

"Hwang Hyunjin's dad... or shall I say...Your soon to be ex' father?" My eyes unnoticeably narrowed a bit at his impish words, making me feel weirdly nervous and somewhat anxious.

"Sorry?" I questioned trying to be as bold and confident as I could, the latter let out a chuckle before focusing back at me.

"Nice to meet you, but you know the encounter could've been way better if you weren't Hyunjin's girlfriend, if you weren't the reason for all the mess going on around recently, if you weren't the reason behind Hyunjin being dishonored and of course if you weren't the reason for people pointing fingers at me"

I just felt extremely uneasy at the moment, I didn't know what he was saying and what he meant by all that stuff which sounded to me somewhat like crap? Unknowingly but my heart did hurt a bit at that blunt rant.

"I am sorry sir, but I would want to talk to Hyunjin only right now" Since I knew the kind of heartless person he was, I just didn't want him to indulge me in that nonsense conversation anymore, I wanted it to be brief but after what kind of stuff he was saying, I didn't even want to have a conversation with him at all.

"What do you think you are doing Ms. Kim? Helping Hyunjin out? making his life better?" I wanted to go away right now but the way he was manipulating me was just kind of weird, I looked back at him and this time his face seemed a bit infuriated and irritated as he stared straight at my face, making me feel a bit nervous.

"Because if you are thinking this way than you are extremely wrong... So sorry to say that but literally you are just messing it all up for him even more" What the hell was he even talking about, I felt a lump forming in my throat and a sick feeling in my heart.

"You are just ruining his life even more, you are destroying him" Those heartless words were so strong and dark that I felt my heart sinking and paining, there was no way I could ever hurt my Hyunjin...

"Leave him... it is better for you both" I knew I shouldn't think about his words but I don't know why my eyes slowly burned and I felt tears forming in my orbs.

"What do you think you are doing to my son's lif-" I felt my blood boiling under my skin as I gritted my teeth, now that was a lot of shit for me to take,

"Fixing it! Fixing it Mr. Hwang, Fixing it like you broke him, I am trying to collect him and fix him, trying to bring him back piece by piece, trying to give him the love he deserved but he didn't get, trying to fill in the empty spaces in his life that you have created" I had a sudden outburst as I gulped, conveying my words in a small yet powerful voice, trying to be as less disrespectful as I could, but he needed an answer, he was asking for it.

"He is as fragile as a glass and you didn't give a damn about that you just threw him out of your life and he broke into millions of pieces due to the impact, so I know picking those million pieces together might give me pain and bruises too, might take a long time, but I will make sure to never give up on him, to always stay beside my Hyunjin" I spoke every words with confidence and assurance making the man in front cock an eye brow,

"What even? Stop teaching or dictating me kid, just do as I said! Leave him for god sake now! Leave him you are going to ruin him even more! You will destroy his dreams his career his life! You cant stay happy with him please get it in your head!! Stop destroying his life and quit already! You will be the reason for his sad ending Hana Kim!!" The latter yelled in my face startling me as I flinched, those words piercing right through my heart, I wanted to stay stead fast and strong in front of him but when he said that, I just felt like crumpling and falling down, it was just my limit now, he pushed me to the edge already.

"Dad!!" Hyunjin yelled as he came rushing towards me, I just stood there lifelessly looking at his father with a plain face those daunting words still playing in my head on repeat.

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare to do or say anything to her ever again!" Hyunjin yelled at his dad his voice shaking due to how enraged and upset he was with those words, his fists were clenched together causing the knuckles to turn white. He glared at his dad before grabbing my wrist and storming out of the lounge to upstairs in his room.

His grip on my wrist tighten even more and I was sure it was completely red by now. Hyunjin's breathing was unstable and his eyes slightly shined with tears, however I was still unable to process anything and react or even talk to Hyunjin right now.

Hyunjin banged the door open causing it to shut back itself due to the impact, he let go of my wrist and shut his eyes tight, trying to normalize his breathing. He looked up at me with guilty eyes before looking down on the floor as he inched closer to me, grabbing my hands since i stood in front of him looking at him plainly and speechlessly.

"I am so sorry Hana... I am just so sorry, you have been hurting because of me... I am so so sorry" He muttered, voice getting smaller with every next word he spoke. His eyes quivering as he look down and bit onto his lips, trying to contain his emotions inside, looking at him like that just made me so sad, sadder than I was before.

Hyunjin already stood close to me, our bodies inches apart but he minimized the little space by wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me tight.

"Just forgive me please and don't just don't think about anything he said, he doesn't want me to be happy please don't ever leave me, I love you so much" Hyunjin rested his chin on top of my head, his arms tightly wrapped around my body, my head was on his chest as I sighed hugging him back,

"I am sorry..." He apologized again as I sighed emotionlessly,

"No Hyunjin I am sorry" My words cracked as I lightly pushed him away, his eyes growing confused and taken aback due to my words, tone, body language and actions.

"Let's just stop all this already..."

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