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Hana's POV

1 and a half week later

We all just arrived back at the dorm from the music bank show today. It was already night and I was so freaking tired as I threw myself on the big beige couch in the living room, the guys scattered around here and there as well. As everyone was busy with themselves, I pulled out my phone, replying to one of Areum's text.

"You guys are so boring!!" My head tilted up towards the Maknae who sat on the couch in front of me, whining like the whiny kid he is. Chan and some other guys had showered and now all of us were in the living room.

"Why not we play some game?" Jeongin spoke with his eyes sparkling with excitement. I saw Seungmin nodding his head along with Changbin,

"Hm, okay? That doesn't sound so bad" Hyunjin nodded his head, Han and Felix also agreed upon the idea. Since it was just a game, I was also okay with it and we usually do play games so everyone eventually agreed upon it.

Everyone stood up from their places as Chan asked us all to come and sit down on the floor making a huge circle, so we all did so. I was sitting beside Seungmin and Lee know, but now the question was, which game were we playing tonight?

"Let's play Truth and Dare!" The guy next to me chimed enthusiastically as my eyes immediately widen, I turned my head towards Seungmin in pure disapproval. No way! I just always find this game stupid, like dude I can't do those stupid ass stunts neither can I spill my secrets out in front of everyone like that,

"No! We aren't playing that!" I protested in my defense causing all the boys to look at me,

"Yah please Hana Noona! I want to play this game!" Jeongin cried holding his penguin cushion in his hand,

"Pleaseee~! Come on let us just play it or else I will be sad" He pouted as I sighed still contemplating whether I should do this or not,

"Come on don't make the poor baby beg you like that" Hyunjin tilted his head in my direction speaking those words out dryly, and more like rudely. "Bring the bottle Hani (as in Han Jisung)" He demanded as the younger one nodded his head getting up from the floor and walked towards the kitchen to find some empty bottle to play the game, well I guess than we are doomed...

Soon Jisung returned carrying a cola bottle which Lee Know had literally finished in one day,in his hand. Everyone cheered as I just gave in, and the game started. Channie spun the bottle as everyone's eyes were glued to the spinning bottle, excitedly anticipating which member would be the first target after all. The bottle slowed down spinning and therefore stopped, pointing towards Lee know, and he took truth.

"Okay so tell us one of the weirdest things you have done" Changbin asked his question,

"Um... I don't remember any but there is a recent one. I ate my cat's cat food biscuits since I was too hungry and lazy at the same time that I couldn't go get up and cook for myself, plus they tasted really good too, so I ended up finishing the pack myself" My eyes widen in shock as we all burst into fits of laughter, no wonder he even resembles his cats. Moving on, the bottle spun three more times before it finally stopped pointing towards me! Gosh save me.

"Truth or dare?" Felix asked me curiously,

"Ahm, Truth maybe...?" I answered knowing the cons of picking the dare so I better not do that.

"Do you still love Hyunjin the way you used to do before!" Felix, Han, Jeongin and Changbin yelled in sync as my orbs broaden, what the hell? They even planned these questions for me... Wow. I was kind of scared about what kind of question they would ask me, but trust me it was an easy one.

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