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panic attacks.

they were an often occurrence for bella and she seemed to have one at least two times every week. and that was on her good weeks.

it had been almost a month and a half since her last one, and the only assumption she could make was that luke had definitely helped.

he was the only one who treated her like a human. besides calum.

since calum showed up back in town (she thought is was due to some financial issues) she was doing somewhat better. even though he would be leaving once he got back on his feet again.

her and calum were best friends since they could remember, and when he left to australia she was heartbroken. he was her first everything.

except first 'time', that is.

he knew everything. her stash. her secrets. and even about the voices in her head. they hated calum, but calum hated them.

and when he left, the panic attacks came.

bella curled into a ball as she sat on the cold tiles of her kitchen, violently sobbing.

she couldn't stop and she was alone.

with shaky hands she reached for her phone and dialed his number.

she let out a breath as he answered.

'hello? bella? are you okay?' he asked, panic laced in his voice.

'l-luke he-elp' she hiccuped in between sobs.

'bella ohmygod-' she heard shuffling and a door click shut on the other line.

'plea-ase luke' she whispered as more tears flowed from her eyes.

'ill be there soon princess. i promise. just-just please stay there please?' he rambled as she heard the line go dead.

bella heard the door swing open as shoes hit the hallway wall. feet shuffled quickly over to her and scooped bella up so her head was buried in luke's chest as she sobbed into his shirt.

'shhh im here' he whispered in her hair as he held onto her like she were to slip away.

she let out chocked sobs as they sat on the floor, tangled up in each other.

soon enough her cries stopped after a while and they were still in an embrace. luke kissed her temple and went to scoop her up.

'don't' she sniffled, worrying about his poor arms if he were to pick her up.

he rolled his eyes at her before scooping her up bridal style. she was a little heavy, but it didn't bother him at all.

she wrapped her arms around his neck hesitantly while she buried her head into his shirt once again.

luke walked up the stairs with ease as he bumped the door with his hip and laid her down on the mattress, slipping his wet shirt off and curling up next to her.

he snaked his arms around her, pulling bella closer to him and placing a chaste kiss to the top of her head.

'goodnight princess' he mumbled into her hair as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, closing his eyes.

'night luke' she murmured as they both drifted to sleep.

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