Lookalike New Student.

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Academy City...a city comprising an over 80% population of students, 60% of which possess supernatural powers...a group of psychics known as Espers. A city of amazing advances in science and technology as well as studies in other dimensions, it's technology soars 30 years ahead of it's time.

Currently, one of it's students was walking down the street towards her first day of high school with her little sister in hand.

Mikoto Misaka felt unnaturally cheerful this morning. Maybe because the weather was good, or maybe it was because she had a job to go to with her fellow guild members later that day. Or maybe because her little sister Lucy seemed to brighten up everything she touched.

"Mimi!" Little Lucy Misaka said cheerfuly. "Can me and Elli get Icecream later?"

A little pink cat wearing a blue dress who was seated on Mikoto's head, nodded. "Yeah Mikoto! Can we?"

Mikoto looked down at her little sister. "Let's see....did you brush your teeth this morning?"

"Yes! Big Lucy helped me!"

"hmmm...show me your teeth.."

Little Lucy grinned widely to show her pearly whites as Mikoto laughed. "Alright...you passed the test...we'll get you some icecream once I'm done with school..."

Little Lucy resembled a miniature Mikoto, having the same style chestnut brown hair. However, the eyes were different, her irises were a bright electric blue, proof that she was a Rareblood Dragon Born...

It had been about a week since Mikoto had returned from Soul Society. Ever since then, it had been complete chaos...it wasn't every day that several major guilds went missing for 5 years, then came back with somebody who was known for having saved the entire multiverse and was believed to be dead.

The news networks were still running reports...

But Mikoto and the rest of her guild didn't focus on that...instead, they were now busy rebuilding their run down guild hall, and Mikoto was catching up on 5 years she never got to spend with her little sister Lucy Misaka.

After about 3 days back, Mikoto's boyfriend, Touma Kamijou, had been shocked to find that Mikoto had actually applied for his school before World War 5. Not only had she passed the entrance exam with flying colors...but she had been skyrocketed into Touma's own class....

Normaly Touma would have been frightened about this sort of thing...but considering he had missed 5 years, the class was completely made up of people he didn't know, he was actually glad Mikoto was in his class.

As Mikoto reminisced about her situation, she sighed. After so long....everything was finally starting to feel normal again...no more Dravis Lord of Destruction....and the dark god Asgawrath's influence was quite low in the living world...for now at least, everything was right with the world....until about 3 seconds from now...

"Mimi?" said little Lucy tugging on Mikoto's sleeve. "There's a weird thingy coming from the sky!"

"Weird thing?" Mikoto looked up...sure enough there was a little speck slowly getting bigger...and bigger...and bigger...until it started to look like a little sobbing with a broken skull mask...wait a minute....

"Nel?" Mikoto muttered.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! SEXY DEEEEMON!!!!!!!" Nel shot down from the sky like a meteor and rammed into Mikoto's face. There was an explosion of dust and students in the streets all stopped to watch.

"WHAT THE HELL!!?" Mikoto yelled wrenching Nel from her face. "Nel! You could have-...eh? What's that noise?"


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