Ichigo Meets ITEM..

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Ichigo Kurosaki looked up at the strange dusty looking store. The name "Emerald Cup" was barely legible on the very worn sign.

Considering that usually everything in this part of Academy City looked so high tech and new, this was actually a strange look to him...In his mind, he wondered if Aiko had just been trying to pull one over on him for beating her..

"Man...it looks like this place has been abandoned for ages." grumbled Ichigo. "How stupid..."

"Don't let mere looks decieve you Ichigo! You and I both know better then that!"

Ichigo turned in surprise to find Rukia Kuchiki, coming up from behind him. "Rukia! I didn't know you'd healed so quickly!"

"Well they do have some prime advances in medicine in this city." said Rukia with a nod..."and I sensed your Reitsu nearby, so I thought I'd come and see...How's Misaka?"

"She was slashed up a bunch of times, kicked around, and probably blown up another uncountable number of times." Ichigo said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

Rukia's jaw dropped. "Wh-wha-WHAT!? Ichigo! We were supposed to make sure that nothing like this would ever happen!! We were her escorts!!"

"Oh yeah, and it's probably a bad time to mention, but Mikoto also got framed for murder so now the entire city law enforcement is after her." said Ichigo.

Rukia's jaw dropped...if possible...even further.

"Hey, don't go all blamo on me.." said Ichigo. "I was attacked by a wacko esper with sonic powers, and the whole frame up thing happened right after you were knocked out!!"

Rukia grabbed Ichigo's ear. "That is no excuse!!! We failed in our duties!!!"

"AAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!!" Ichigo said as Rukia continued to wrench on his ear. "Okay, okay, okay!! Just stop that!!"

"What are you doing here anyways?" Rukia muttered looking at the store's worn out sign.

"That sonic esper I told you about...I think her name was Aiko...she said that if I wanted to find the real killer of that CIA agent, that I should come here...took me all day and night to find this place. Now I'm starting to wonder if I've been had.."

"Like I said earlier.." said Rukia. "Never base anything soley on appearences..."

Rukia took out a strange high tech looking monitor. "I borrowed this from the hospital..supposedly it's normaly used to detect abnormalities in esper patients...but tweaked the right way..and we could detect the AIM Diffusion fields of nearby espers..."

"Wait...borrowed?" said Ichigo. "HEY! You just stole that didn't you!? No way they would let an ordinary hospital patient just take that!"

Rukia merely ignored Ichigo as she waved around the device like a heat detector. "Hold on...yes..there are a total of three espers in there...."

"Are they hostile?" Ichigo said as he drew Zangetsu from it's cloth sheath.

"As if this device could tell that.." said Rukia with a frown. "Don't let down your gaurd down though."

"Alrighty then.." said Ichigo. "I'm gonna beat em up!"

"Eh!?" said Rukia. "Ichigo, I just said there's no telling if they're hostile or not!"

"Sure...I'm gonna beat em up!"

"Ichigo wait-"

But Ichigo had already kicked open the door and was yelling. "HEY!!! WHOEVER'S IN THERE!! COME OUT! I'M GONNA BEAT THE SNOT OUT OF YA!!"

A Railgun In Fairy Tail. The Soul Slayer Chronicles. Book 2: ResurrectionWhere stories live. Discover now