Ichigo V.S. Loud Route, Mikoto V.S. Stupid Law Enforcement

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Mikoto sat in the cold interrogation room, her face frozen in the same shocked expression she had taken when she first saw the body. Her wrists restrained an extremely bulky set of cylindrilical black cuffs that were meant to restrain both magic and esper abilities. Across the cold metal table, sat a man who was obviously one of the higher ups in Anti-skill.

The man was casually reading a book, with his feet on the table. Obviously he was going for some sort of interrogation tactic. Mikoto was confused. She could have escaped, it would have been easy for her...somebody with her kind of powers against Anti-skill. Yet, she had cooperated. Maybe it was because she knew that by resisting, it would only affirm her guilt in the eyes of others.

"Are you just going to sit there?" Mikoto murmured finally. "Or can I just go now?"

The man lowered his book and raised an eyebrow. "You're not going anywhere girl...at least, that's what the evidence is telling me. Sorry, but it's just going to get harder for you from here on out...cause I've got enough to put you away for a long time..so either you give me what I want to know, or your sentence will be a whole lot longer."

"I'm a minor.." Mikoto said. "Even if I did do it..."

"Oh, I almost forgot...you haven't been around for the past 5 years haven't you?" said the man. "3 years ago, we passed the Mage and Esper act. Espers and mages who are above 13 years of age can be tried as adults....it's a little thing we put in to make sure you Level 5s and guild mages didn't go abusing your powers...guess you should've done your homework before you commited murder."

"I didn't do it." Mikoto growled. "I already told your men the entire story!"

"Yes...this Ulquiorra person." said the interrogater. "We didn't find any trace of this man...or Arrancar as you so loved to call him...anywhere. And the way the man was killed didn't match your description of his fighting style.

"What the heck!?" Mikoto yelled. "That hole in his chest!! That was where he fired his Cero! I should know, Ulquiorra once tried to do the same to me!! He does it because that's where his hollow hole is!!"

"Hollows...Arrancar...Ulquiorra." said the interrogater. The man stood up and slammed his hand on the table. "I don't know what kind of little fairy princess land you've been living in...BUT DON'T TAKE ME FOR A FOOL!!"

"I don't know.." Mikoto said angrilly. "You're doing a pretty good job of acting like one!!!"

The man smiled. "You don't scare easy, I'll give you that..but if you think your powers will save you in the facility we've got set up for your kind, then you're a bigger fool then you think I am.."

Suddenly there was the sound of chaos outside the room. Mikoto could hear slamming around where the one way glass was.

Suddenly the door of the interrogation room exploded outwards and crashed into the other end of the room to reveal Natsu Dragneel and Ichigo Kurosaki.

Natsu was dressed in one of Mikoto's old Tokwadai uniforms and had a chestnut hair wig on. Ichigo, thankfully, was still dressed in his Soul Reaper uniform, but also had a wig on.

"RRRRAAAAARRRGGGGHH!!" Natsu yelled. "I'm Mikoto Misaka!! I hear you're accusing this fake over here of murdering somebody!! WELL IT WAS ME GOT IT!!! I COMMITED MURDER!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Natsu jumped onto the interrogation table and started blowing flames from his mouth. "RRRAAARRRGGHHH!! I'M MIKOTO MISAKA!!!!"

Natsu turned to look at Ichigo. "Come on!! You're supposed to do it too!!"

 Ichigo sighed, looking really embarrassed about this strange situation he was in. "Er...YEAH!! I'M ALSO MIKOTO MISAKA!! I COMMITED THE MURDER!!! RAAAAHHHH!!!"

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