Enter The Vasto Lorde

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Mikoto Misaka walked down the street of Academy City alone, each and every step bringing her closer and closer to the Windowlwess building. She did not speak, she did not even let her friends know she had gone before she went... she knew Mikaris would try to stop her... she knew if Natsu knew what she was doing for him, he would yell out in protest..

Earlier, she had tried to smell out Natsu's location... tried to sniff out where he might be, to stage a rescue maybe, and stop this. But, she could smell nothing. Ulquiorra would have covered his scent... so it was impossible to tell where he was, no matter what she did.

"Natsu.." Mikoto murmured as tears travelled down her face. "I'm so sorry."

As she continued to walk, she clutched the scarf around her neck tightly. She wished she could find a way to return this to him before the end.. but that time had passed... she had fought, and she had lost. Of course there was always the possibility it was all a lie... but Ulquiorra did not lie, she knew that much. Ulquiorra was a logical being...emotionless to the end.. he felt no need to lie about facts... and he only told what he believed to be facts. That was his nature.

As Mikoto walked down the street, the girl known as Azure Saphire watched her from atop a building, back in her black form fitting combat outfit. She watched Mikoto silently.

"What's with you now Railgun?" Azure murmured. "I've never seen such a depressed looking target."

Azure jumped off the building and coated her hand in crystal, letting a crystal chain latch onto the edge of the building. Letting the chain extend downwards, she lowered herself to the street and detatched herself from the diamond chain. "Hey.. Former Number 3.."

Mikoto turned slowly to look at Azure. Azure was stunned to find tears on Mikoto's face. "Oh.. it's you.."

"Oh...?" said Azure. "That's your reaction? Just 'Oh'? What the heck is wrong with you!?"

Mikoto continued to walk on. "Don't stop me.. this is more then just you and me now.."

Azure grinded her teeth furiously. "DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!!"

Azure stomped her foot against the ground and a massive wall made of crystal erupted up in front of Mikoto, blocking her path.

"I-I...I LOOKED UP TO YOU!!" Azure screamed. "I ALWAYS LOOKED UP TO YOU!!! Ever since I was 8, I used to look up to the Level 5 Railgun, cause you were the Level 5 who never looked down on anybody!!! You somehow managed to work really hard go all the way from a Level 1 to a Level 5.. and then you went with Fairy Tail, and helped all sorts of people!! Yet, now.. when I look at your face... It looks like... it looks like... IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'VE GIVEN UP!!!"

Mikoto turned to look at Azure again, as her wings erupted to life, sparking with power. "Azure Saphire... I won't repeat myself... let me through."

Azure's Diamond Wings materialized in a flash of crystal dust as she clenched her fists. "I don't know what kind of deal you made, or with whom, but until I surpass you... I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY!!!"

Azure launched herself at Mikoto, her fists became giant spiked crystal morningstars as she rammed them at Mikoto

Mikoto closed a wing in front of herself and blocked the attack, causing Azure to be blasted back by the offensive defense ability and into the street.

"Stop this Azure." Mikoto said sadly. "I don't want to hurt any more people.

Azure staggered out of the crater, gasping, her wings flapped ferociously, creating a hurricane of wind. "I never told you about my Dragon Born ability have I? You probably thought my power was that my wings acted like a shield... just like your wings... but I can easily produce a good defense with Lustrous Skin of a Diamond Dragon. The real power of my wings.. is THIS!!

A Railgun In Fairy Tail. The Soul Slayer Chronicles. Book 2: ResurrectionWhere stories live. Discover now