Return of The Hydras

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Mikoto felt like she had been thrown through several washing machines, dry cleaned, smashed into 20 trains, and then had her chest trampled by elephants.

Of course given how hectic her life had been lately, she had gotten used to feeling like that.. of course that didn't mean she liked it. In truth, she hated it like Dragon Cold. And Dragon Cold was pretty bad already.

To put it in perspective, Dragon Cold was actually a kind of cold one only got after they had awakened their Dragon Born blood. Dragon Cold could last from 1 about 3 weeks. The symptoms included sneezing out random Roar attacks, gaining scale-like skin on your arms which felt like you were wearing very painful hot armor, a fever that was bad enough that you felt like you could fry an egg on your head, and in Mikoto's special case, your hair stuck up all the time from intense uncontrollable static.

Mikoto had only gotten Dragon Cold once. Lucy had to stay home with her for 3 weeks while Mira stayed over as well to take care of her...the scaley arms, she couldn't even move because of them. And Nicole said the only thing to do, was to wait it out. (The cause of Dragon Cold tends to be from a virus only available in Fiore. It can only infect those with Dragon DNA, and despite it's terrible side effects, it's relatively harmless and never ever fatal.)

Well right now... Mikoto felt like she was having Dragon Cold again. Once more, she had made the mistake of summoning her mask when she was already near her limit, something which Shinji had drilled into her head that she should never do. Never mind that it was extroardinary for any Visored to be able to summon his or her mask in Mikoto's condition... but it was also quite risky. Thankfully, Mikoto was able to replenish plenty of her strength after eating a bit of her esper electricity... but she still felt a bit fatigued.

"I should've started using my mask the moment we saw Kakine.." Mikoto muttered as she sat in the public restroom bench Mikaris applied some strange lotion to her arms and rib area.

Mikoto had bandages covering her bare chest and her ribs felt like fire at the moment. Mikaris hadn't needed long to recover, apparently her A.E.A. had nanobots that traveled in and repaired bodily damage at amazing speed.

Mikaris had actually offered to let Mikoto wear her A.E.A. while she wore Mikoto's clothes... but Mikoto had refused, not wanting to be a burden to somebody who was trying so hard to protect her.

"This lotion was analyzed by some scientists in Psychic City." said Mikaris. "It'll take 2 hours, but it'll seep through your skin right to the broken bones and return them to their original shape and repair it...though given a dragon's fast healing ability, I'd say it'll probably only take 30 minutes with you."

Elli, who was standing next to where the two sat with Nel , held up a row of bandages. "Do you need any more?"

"That's fine Elli." said Mikoto putting her black Fairy Tail emblem shirt back on. "We're good. Well, can't say I haven't experienced worse..."

"Like Dragon Cold!" said Elli.

Mikaris looked curious. "What's Dragon Cold?"

Mikoto shivered. "I'd rather not have to describe it to you."

Mikoto looked at Nel. "So Dondochaka... he didn't peek in did he?"

"WHA!?" said Nel. "Dondochaka wouldn't do that to Sexy Demon!! But maybe Pesche would... I should check Pesche didn't do pervert stuff!"

"Uhh...Nel.." Mikoto said. "You do know Pesche hasn't been with us all day right? It's only been Dondochaka..."

"Oh right-" Nel began, righ before going wide eyed. "Wait...PESCHE!!!? WHERE IS PESCHE!? YOU MEAN HE HASWN"T BEEN WITH US AT ALL!? PESCHE!?"

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