Running Scared.

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Ichigo was in shock. He checked the slip of paper that had the address of the prison, then looked up. He tightened his right hand on Tensa Zangetsu's hilt and shook himself. "This isn't it!?"

The entire prison was in flames...completely demolished into rubble as prisoners and Anti-skill officers ran away from the wreckage in a panic.

Ichigo used the astounding speed that came with his bankai to blitz and flash down towards the wreckage. "MIKOTO!!"

Ichigo began slashing his way through wreckage, at times using Getsuga Tenshou rip his way in further.

"You won't find her here..." said a koffing voice that Ichigo could barely hear.

Ichigo stopped his hacking and slashing and looked down next to his foot to see an officer lying on the ground, looking quite injured.

Ichigo leaned down and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What do you mean? Is she-"

"No.." said the man shaking his head. "She's not dead...she escaped...we're not sure how she got away before the rest...but she escaped. She's perhaps one of the most dangerous of em who did....but there are others that were being held....Aurumnus Rager...Slither...pretty much a lot of high level danger in there....*koff* *koff*....I don't know who you are...but be careful...there's gonna be a hell of a lot of chaos going on in this city tonight...hell of a lot of chaos....hell of...of......" The man slumped over, dead.

Ichigo stood up and stared at the flaming wreckage around him. "Mikoto...where are you?"


A blood trail...that is what somebody would have seen if they had been at the northern most street of District 7 that night.

In the brightness of the could see large drops of blood going around here and there, occasionally trailing off into the dark areas of the street...the areas that showed only the blackness of night. While any normal human would have passed out from the blood loss by now...Mikoto wasn't an oridinary human...

However, even though she was fast healing, that didn't change the fact that she was severely injured from her fight with Luster Touch. With every step, Mikoto staggered like a drunk person, trying to keep the ragged motheaten blanket wrapped tightly around her so as to preserve her dignity should anyone see her.

Normally, she would have reached the Rainbow Gateway by now...but her injuries and loss of blood was slowing her appeared that the diamond that Aiko used to attack had a special property to it that made your injuries worse....even only a slash and it was proving as serious some of Mikoto's worse injuries to date. Of course nothing could compare to when Mikoto had once had her leg blasted off by least she was still walking on two legs instead of one.

Mikoto hugged the blanket tighter around herself...she never realized how cold Academy City was at night until now when she wasn't wearing much...

Mikoto's eyes suddenly widened as her Dragon Slayer nose picked up the scent of people approaching, and fast. Mikoto staggered and limped as fast as she could into the shadow of an alleyway and huddled against the wall as several Anti-Skill trucks and two massive mech suits on air supported hover legs ran by.

As the mech drones raced passed, Mikoto noticed a logo on them that said, ANTI-DRAGON MARK-17.

So in the five years she had been gone, apparently Academy City had been developing measures to fight Dragons and Dragon Slayers. And the fact that those things were out, meant Anti-Skill wasn't taking any chances where Mikoto was concerned.

A Railgun In Fairy Tail. The Soul Slayer Chronicles. Book 2: ResurrectionWhere stories live. Discover now