Grimmjow's Rampage, Touma's Will.

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Hound Dog was usually one that specialized in taking down enemies quickly. Whenever they trained recruits, rather then training them in every skill, they trained each designated member in the one job they would be doing instead, to increase the quickness in which they could set down new troops. They opperated covertly and outside of the law, and rather then gathering their own set of vehicles, they stole vans and spray painted them black.

All in all, they were designed to quickly take down a target with as much cost effectiveness, and physical effectiveness as possible....

However, this team, was proving absolutely nothing against Grimmjow Jaguerjaque.

Grimmjow knew where Mira had ended up after he blew her out of harm...ever since she had absorbed Grimmjow's Ressurreccion form to create Satan Soul: Pantera, Mirajane had gained her own spiritual pressure which was a mixture of hollow reitsu and demon the hollow energy was similar to his own.

That meant Grimmjow knew exactly where Mira was...which meant he knew that his best chance was to herd Hound Dog away from her by causing as much mayhem as possible.

Grimmjow had avoided fighting with Alice Restardo more...her ability already made it impossible for someone like himself to fight her...he doubted even Ichigo or the captains had the means to fight her, unless it was Mayuri Kurotsuchi, whose bankai depended more on a highly potent poison then guided force.

Grimmjow had remained in his Ressureccion form...not because it was better suited for fighting...but because it was better suited to draw in the Hound Dog soldiers.

Hound Dog..Grimmjow had already figured covert soldiers..were supposed to leave as little a trace of their actions as possible...with Grimmjow causing mayhem, they were having a hell of a job doing that.

And so Grimmjow had finally led an entire battalion of Hound Dog operatives into an old abandonded steel mill with high tech lifts...and absolutely no lights..

One group of soldiers currently trecked into the facility, using flashlights on their guns to search out  for Grimmjow.

"Heat signature detected." said one soldier. "But damn.. it's moving fast... too fast. Olfactory detector is picking up a scent, but it's not doing much good-"

Before the man could finish his sentence, there was a sudden choking sound, and his flashlight went out as he was suddenly picked out of the he just dissapeared..

The rest of the group pointed their guns frantically at where one of their own had been..only to have their lights shine on a blank space..

"Where did he-?" A soldier began. Right before the decapitated arm of their comrade fell into their midst in a bloody puddle.

Their were several more screams and cutoffs, as one by one, more soldiers were suddenly picked out of the darkness by a quick shadow.

Finally there was only one soldier left. She fearfully removed her mask and fired her gun out into the steel gurdur ridden cieling. Her bullets richochetted into the darkness....

Suddenly she felt a clawed hand that was dripping with blood clutch her shoulder. Grimmjow's catlike fangs spoke in the darkness. "Boo..."

The woman's screams were cut short by the sound of slashing claws and the splatter of blood.


Grimmjow turned his head to see another battalion heading up the metal stairs towards him, firing their guns on his muscular feline body.

Grimmjow merely smiled as the bullets bounced off of him. "Oh...lookie...more toys to break."

Grimmjow let out a hysterical laugh as he launched himself down the stairs at speeds that would have left bullet trains in the dust.

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