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Jungkook pov

I was now walking down the street not taking my hood off. I was looking down and thinking of all the guys that have come in contact with my sweet. Disgusting filths. She doesn't need them. She just needs me.

Girls on the street noticed it was me. It was hard being the richest guy in Busan. The crowd of girls sped up and started chasing me. I picked up my pace and ran into him.

Min Yoongi you don't know what's going to happen.

'Yoongi help!' I hid behind him and the girls kept running straight. I heaved out a big sigh and stood in front of him. 'Thanks.' I smiled. Oh my smile was so fake.

'No problem Kook. Hey is Haeun free? I have to tell her something.' He played with his thumbs.

'And that would be?' I sassily asked. 'I'm gay.' He shyly said. I cant kill him. But why did he flirt with Haeun when we were younger? I'm not going to question it. He's not filthy anymore.

'Noona is at my house if you want to talk to her.' I smiled. 'Thanks Kook you're the best!' He hugged him and walked away. I couldn't kill him. He doesn't deserve it because he doesn't like women. Even if he flirted with Haeun. It was all an act.

Who next?

Haeun likes boy groups but there's no possible way i can kill the members. They don't even know she exists.

Oh yes i know who.

Someone i've hates since i first met him.

Jung Hoseok.

I still remember exactly where his dirty house is. I ran down to his house. Past the ice cream shop Haeun used to take me too when i was little. Around the corner of the park. I saw his big and disgusting house.

I rung the doorbell and his sister answered it. Shit this isn't going to be easy. I closed the door and covered her mouth. 'Don't make a sound.' I sharply said and dug the knife into her chest. I took it out and ran up to his room.

I quietly creaked the door open ajar and sneaked in. He was asleep which made it too easy. I crawled to the side of his bed and slitted his throat. I put my knife away and ran out.

I decided to go to the mall and buy my princess a few things. I decided to buy her lingerie from Victoria's Secret. I walked in and all the women turned to look at him. Don't talk to me roaches. I went to the lace section and i knew her exact size. I bought the two pairs and headed out.


I opened the door and saw my beauty on the couch eating pizza. I set the bag down and went over to the couch. I covered her eyes. 'Guess who it is.' I happily said. 'It's my loving boyfriend Kookie.' She smiled. I took my hands off her eyes and sat next to her. I grabbed a slice of pizza and started eating.

I'm going to have sex with her tonight.

His Noona II J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now