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Jungkook Pov

'Kookie stop.' She pulled me off of her. I sighed and sat back down. Haeun put the top and jeans on. She turned around. 'How does it look?' She asked. Ahh, she was adorable.

'You look amazing darling.' I smiled. Haeun giggled and went through all the clothes. She wanted them all and i insisted i bought them. I brought them up too the counter and bought her clothes.

We walked out and Haeun dragged me too a Boba shop. When we went up too the counter the service guy was staring at Haeun. Oh how my blood boiled. I was staring right into his soul. He noticed and just took Haeun's order.

When walking out of the store i was thirsty. 'Haeunie can i please try it.' I pouted. She hesitantly nodded and handed it too me. I took a sip and my eyes widened. It was amazing. I was also drinking from the same straw as her. It felt amazing.

'Don't drink it all on me!' She whined and took it back. I held her hand and walked all over the mall with her. When leaving i left with one bag of my own and holding Haeun's. She insisted i stopped buying stuff for her but i have too buy stuff for me princess.

Enjoy it Haeun. Sooner or Later you won't be allowed out of my house.

I drove her home and went too her. I set her bags on the bed and raced downstairs too see her.

'Jungkook you seemed so tense i was with Namjoon.' She frowned.

'It was nothing.' I smiled. I was so good at acting.

Oh look at the time it's time for me too find Namjoon. Let's go!

'Haeun i have to leave.' I smiled and kissed her forehead. I grabbed my hoodie and pocket knife. I left and ran. I don't know where he lives. But i will find him.

I hid in the bushes because i saw him entering his house. I quickly broke into the window and pointed my knife at him. 'Don't fucking move!' I shouted.

'Jungkook?' He asked. Shit he knows it's me.

'Don't fucking touch Haeun again!' I walked towards him. Namjoon looked around and grabbed the doorknob. He ran out and i couldn't run after him.

Namjoon pov

Oh My GOD!

I have to get to Haeun right now. I zoomed down the street and too his house. I knocked on the door out of breath. Haeun opened it and quickly invited me inside. I rested on the couch.

'Haeun! I have something serious too tell you.' I breathed. Haeun sat down and nodded her head.

'J-Jungkook tried to stab me. He broke into my house and told me never to touch you again.' I looked down.

Haeun was shocked and started too cry.

'That's why he's been leaving so often. On the news they claimed that two people have died and killed by the same person. Jimin and Taehyung...' She started too cry.

'Namjoon leave before he comes back!' She shouted at me. I nodded and ran out.

Author pov

Jungkook unlocked the door too his house ,and saw Haeun crying while hugging her legs on the floor. He walked up to her and picked up her chin.

'What's wrong?!' He panicked.

'GET AWAY FROM ME JUNGKOOK!' She shouted at him.

He backed away slowly.


Jungkook was shocked and knew who told her.

'We're over.' She ran out and never came back. Jungkook was left their angry and heart broken.

The End.

With Love,

His Noona II J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now